 The Book



02/07/09: Couple of updates today. First on the
agenda—a really cool new feature at starwars.com called “
Star Wars Buzz.” The official site has gone
down the tubes ever since that infamous Clone War film came out but
here they redeem themselves a bit. This feature takes a look at
every printed reference to Star Wars before its 1977 release, and
some of the major coverage during its first few months in theaters.
Click for part one of three , which begins
way back in 1974. Secondly— two new articles. As we head in to 2009,
it’s strange to realize that it’s been a decade since Episode I came
out; what a different time it seemed back then.
This article takes a look at the critical
reaction to Episode I to settle the question of just how the film
was rated by reviewers during May of 1999. Also available is a look
at the prequel'sdevelopment of Anakin's birth .
01/17/09: Hope all have been enjoying the
new year; 2008 was very good to me, I have to say, and I hope it was
to everyone else.
Secret History of Star
Wars has been in print for about two months now, and it's
selling better than I had hoped, so I thank everyone that bought a
copy. I've never had an advertising campaign for my work, so thanks
to all who spread the word. Feedback so far has been overwhelmingly
positive, judging from all those 5-star reviews on amazon.com. In
case people are wondering, and some of you aparently are, YES I will
continue to write articles for the website; in fact I have a couple
on the back-burner that I've been working on for a while. Just
because the book is out doesn't mean I won't still be taking a look
into Star Wars' past. Meanwhile, someone pointed this out to me the
other day--
Star Wars told by someone who has never seen
the films
. Its pretty amusing! Check back here soon for an
article or two. I'd like to do some re-design on the site but lack
of time and skills is making that a slow and
painful process.
11/30/08: I'm pleased to announce that Secret History of Star Wars is now
officially released! You can order it online fromAmazon orBarnes & Noble. This site will be
undergoing some revision in the next few
11/07/08: It's been a while since I last
updated this place. The book is currently is in its final stages,
being readied for printing. With any luck, it'll be available by
next month. Check back in a few weeks. For those curious, here is a
preview of the cover , though the design is
not finalised.
09/15/08: Those looking at the "book" page will
now see that the PDF of The Secret History
of Star Wars is down. The book is currently in the process of
revision for its release in print by Legacy Books Press, and I felt
that the self-published version available in the past doesn't quite
represent the quality of work that I feel the book ought to have;
I'm not sure what will be going in its place--sample chapters maybe?
Right now, it's sort of in limbo. I hope the approximately 100, 000
people that downloaded the original self-published e-book over the
last 18 months have enjoyed reading it, and I'm sure they will enjoy
the printed version even more when its available in a couple months.
I'd like to reiterate here, as I did in my last update, that this
site is not going anywhere just because the book is now officially
'done.' The articles section has always been an informative and
sometimes entertaining supplement, and I'll continue to do original
research there. Today, in fact, I have that article that I promised
last month--this one on the subject of Jabba the Hutt's role in the
original film. Read on to Jabba the Hutt: "Wonderful Human Being."
08/10/08: I said the next update would be a bit
more optimistic didn't I? Well, thought you might like to know that
The Secret History of Star Wars will
soon be available in print. It is being published by Legacy Books
Press, with a tentative release date for early December. More
details will be available when the date gets closer.
I'm probably going to be taking down the current e-book
in September or October; and for those wondering, yes, the
printed version will be noteably different, and hopefully much
better, than the e-version I've been publishing on my own. And
it'll make for a much easier read when its actually in your
hands and not on a screen! Also for those wondering--not much else
will be changing on this site; I will continue doing original
research when I can. I'm hoping to have another article up in a
couple weeks.
07/15/08: FYI, the popular Nature of the Beast has been updated. I've
been doing little revisions to it for a while now, as it is in my
opinion a very significant, if critical, article of this site, and
one that has been among the most popular; I've always felt and hoped
that it would not be seen as merely some kind of justification
of bashing but as a genuinely insightful essay of research that
may shed light on some of the criticisms some of the films recieve.
As long as I'm in a critical mode here, I might as well link you to
another, perhaps more personal but equally important, article that I
wrote for Obsessed with Film about the suppression of
the original Star Wars trilogy. I promise next update will have more
optimistic viewpoints of the series :p
07/06/08: Well, you probably figured out that
mobile-reader version never happened. It's in limbo right now, for
reasons I'll explain later. Instead, enjoy an article looking at the way copyright
changed hands in the late 1990's that enabled the original version
of the Star Wars trilogy to be suppressed.
06/12/08: The mobile-reader version is still on
its way, even though I said it would be here last week, just in case
anyone is wondering. Look for it tommorrow or the day after.
05/25/08: Well, a thirty-first anniversary
doesn't sound as impressive as a thirtieth anniversary, but today is
Star Wars Day and our beloved little film is another year older. To
celebrate the occassion, I've unpredictably taken the route of
nostalgia with an article today--a collection of memories from fans who were
there in 1977. Would make for good learnin' for anyone under the age
of thirty.
05/22/08: Just to let everyone know, I am doing
a version of the book formated for mobile readers like Amazon Kindle
and the Sony e-Reader. It should be up soon; I'm just going over the
book and cleaning up a few things and it'll be available probably
next week. Also, after seeing Indy IV at the midnight showing last
night, I have to say I enjoyed my two hours. It's easily the worst
of the four, as expected, and it's also way too far-fetched at
times, with a final 1/3 that sort of falls flat, but its a fun
adventure with some terrific characters and it entertains. Its not a
great movie, but it ain't bad.
05/19/08: Anyone looking forward to new Indiana
Jones? I know I am. I was apprehensive at first, but I have to say
I'm really excited for another fun adventure with good ol Henry
Jones Jr. I guess we'll see how things go, but with Spielberg at the
helm I'm convinced that it would take a pretty good alignment of the
planets to totally ruin this. In the meantime--I've updated the book
page with the brand spanking new THIRD EDITION of
Secret History. Yes, the third edition.
And the last. While the second edition expanded my research, better
organized things and finally put it all together in a more
proper book form, I'm not totally oblivious to the fact that it
was, how shall we say, in need of an editor. I've gone through and
done a massive re-edit, to clean things up, better organize
data, eliminate a lot of the redundancies and just make the book
read a lot smoother. I've also incorporated a bevy of new facts
which makes this the most complete overview of the writing of Star
Wars yet. I would recommend a re-download of this edition to replace
the old edition if it's sitting on your hard-drive. And I have to
say, though I'm sure this version is not 100% perfect--and it never
will be--I'm really proud, as it really has come together now. I
hope to finally say goodbye to it. Of course, I won't be--this site
will continue to have articles, as it has been (in fact, there will
be another one in a few days), and this edition is currently missing
one thing: an index. I'll begin working on that sometime in the
future, but it won't affect the page count or content or anything,
it'll just be added on to the end so if anyone wants to print it
they can just print those specific pages, but it's not all that
necessary anyway. Regardless, I hope future readers enjoy the new
and improvedSecret History of Star
Wars --and I hope everyone here enjoys Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal
Skull this week.
05/07/08: Though this is all to be found withinThe Secret History of Star Wars, an
article posted today more clearly lays out how Anakin's actual turn
to the darkside developed and transformed throughout the series,
notably in the latter stages of post-production of
Revenge of the Sith. Read on to
The Turn: A History of the Evolution of
Anakin's Downfall .
04/29/08: The follow-up article I had planned
never materialised due to research-related delays. For now though,
it might be of interest that I've discovered the National Film Board
of Canada actually hosts a copy of
Arthur Lipsett's 21-87. The film was a
major influence on George Lucas and changed the way he thought about
cinema; you can see an enormous influence on his first short, Look
at Life, as well as both incarnations of THX 1138. 21-87 is a sort
of experiment in form, stimulating audience response through
abstraction and juxtaposition; this type of experimentation was
common at the time (a few years later, The Beatles would famously do
a musical equivalent in their Revolution 9, showing how this
"collage" type of art had found its way mainstream), but somehow
Lipsett's piece works at a gut level lost in many of the similar
short pieces floating the alt cinema scene of the time.
03/25/08: A special treat for today. In an
article just posted I'll take you back in time to 1979 behind closed
doors to the set ofEmpire Strikes
Back for an inside look at how one of the movie's defining
scenes came to be. You'll witness director Irvin Kershner creating
the film in real time. Do not miss it. Read on toThe Magic of Empire: A Visit to the Set of
Empire Strikes
Back . Look for a script-oriented companion piece
this weekend!
03/24/08 : For those interested in a look at an earlier
version of Attack of the
Clones , I've looked at the shooting script in this piece
to shed some light on some of the issues apparent in
the film. Check back in a few days for some very interesting Empire Strikes Back -related
material. Meanwhile, I stumbled across this comic the other day, Darths and
Droids, and I just couldn't stop reading. It takes a
few pages to get going, but even if you don't know much about
role-playing or Dungeons and
Dragons its still pretty hilarious.
02/18/08 : You know that saying about how a butterfly
flapping its wings on one side of the world causes a hurricane on
the other side? Thats sort of the philosophy I took when I looked at
where the earliest roots of Star
Wars came from. My discovery takes us back in time
across the entire globe and almost a thousand years ago. Seriously.
Thats where the chain reaction that led to Star Wars began. Read on to todays
article. Deep Ancestry: How a
Man in 12th Century Japan Created Star Wars
01/28/08 : As promised, got not one but two new articles
up tonight. First, entertainments sake-- Beardless George
Lucas. Click and be amazed at the wonders of seeing
George Lucas' bare chin. On a more serious note, the second article
is of high importance--a partial copy of
George Lucas' 1977
ESB story treatment
. Thanks to Get_in_Gear for the
ESB scans.
01/27/08: Hope the new year's been good to
everyone that visits this place. Hard-drive issues have kept me
offline for most of December so if it seemed like I've been MIA
don't fret. The second edition of Secret History of Star Wars
been getting quite a bit of attention online, I'm proud to say, so
thanks to all of you that have been recommending it--this site has
always operated without any kind of advertisement campaign, so the
book has thrived and spread solely on the word-of-mouth of those
that have read it. Keep it up! Also, I posted this last month, but
its a very interesting discovery I made as to the origins of "Father
Skywalker" and how the father character (Kane Starkiller, initially)
came to exist in the 1974 rough draft. Read on to
The Birth of Father
if you haven't already. There will be some
more articles in the coming days so check back soon. In the
Star Wars
Afficionada Magazine
is just starting up, an online
zine devoted to the films.
: Well, it's finally out--THE SECOND EDITION of
The Secret History of Star Wars. Anyone who had downloaded the
previous version would best be served by replacing it with this, if
only because it is so much easier to read and reference information.
I would also recommend that this would be a good opportunity to give
the book a second read--those who have downloaded the book since
July or August might not benefit as much as the updates from
that revision are only a few dozen pages worth or so, but
anyone who read the book in its first six months of release since
March will find it is very different, with a ton of information that
wasn't present in that original version. What's new to this
Find out
. The new edition has a new font face as well
and runs a mammoth 584 pages, which is over 150 pages longer than
that first edition. There are brand new and expanded appendices,
many corrections, edits to make the book flow smoother and read
easier, and many expansions and elaborations. There is also a
complete index, which includes popular topics and aspects--which
means looking up information is now very easy. Thanks to all the
contributors who offered suggestions and ways to improve the book!
And thanks to all of those with words of encouragement--I have been
re-working the originally released version for some 9 months now and
it was hearing how impactful and meaningful readers found the book
that gave me the encouragement to carry on.
11/26/07: Aren't hard-drive crashes
fun? Thats what I found out all of last week. Only today have I
finally recovered and reinstalled my entire system. If all goes well
there should be a big juicy update in a day or two so check back. In
other news, Lucasfilm has released The Vault, a book/multimedia collection of
vintage collectibles, archival material, rare behind the scenes info
and photos, and selections from the Lucasfilm Archives--such as a
partial copy of Lucas' 1977 ESB treatment. Looks enticing but the
hefty pricetag has so far scared me away. Anyone whose gotten this
let me
know what lurks inside it.
11/10/07: Well, the past months
have been incredibly busy. I have been working straight since July,
and on weekends as well, leaving me little time for...well, anything
really. From a movie-of-the-week to a TV series to finally a few
weeks on the new Incredible Hulk feature film (looks awesome
BTW--certainly better than Ang Lee's) The Secret History of Star
Wars has been quite troublesome for me to find time for. My last
week on the Incredible Hulk saw me log 130 pay hours--thats a lot
for five days of work. You might be pleased to learn,
however, that if all goes well, the second edition of the
book might be online as early as late next week. More exciting
for all you readers out there might be tonight's article, because
the information within it has never been widely published
before--a detailed examination of the revised rough draft of Episode
I. Read about the film that never was--Obi Wan as an elderly Jedi
knight who discovers Anakin, Jar Jar that speaks normally and a
Darth Maul that talks back to his opponents; some interesting stuff.
I might update this later with art work that was produced with this
draft in mind but for now this is the more interesting material.
Click on to The Beginning - A Look at the Rough Draft of
Episode I . Enjoy!
10/22/07: For those wondering, yes,
the second edition of the book is still coming, but obviously
unexpected delays have come up. It is in the final stages now--for
the last four weeks I have been working on the index section, which
is particularly tedious and time-consuming, especially when one
works 16 hour days on film sets for five days of the week. It should
be posted soon, but there is still a week or two's worth of work to
be done. New articles are in the works as well. For now, the Visual
Development of Darth Vader has been given an update in an
additional stormtrooper-like Vader design I came across, plus a
reference to Lawrence of Arabia
09/01/07: As a companion to piece
to my last post, I thought I'd point you all to a site that allows
you to view the original Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe (1941)
serial in its entirety. The public domain episodes are available on
Internet Archive--click here to view them. This was the third and
final Flash Gordon series, and though arguably the worst of the trio
still has much of the charm that made the original so thrilling.
There are 12 episodes in all, running roughly 18 minutes each. While
you are there be sure to check out some of the other serials, such
as Phantom Empire.On an unrelated note, work on the second
edition is coming along, though much slower due to other work than I
would like. It will be available by the end of September but
probably later in the month rather than sooner.
08/11/07: Just thought I'd use this
update to point you all to some nifty information you might not be
aware of. Throughout The Secret History of
Star Wars I discuss a number of prime literary influences on
the series, mostly the original film; as it turns out, some of them
are in the public domain and are available for your reading
pleasure. The top of the list is of course E.E. Smith's Lensmen
books, which are nearly equal in influence to Hidden Fortress and Flash Gordon on the
film--although Galactic Patrol is the
one which started it all and is considered the greatest space opera
novel ever written, also interesting is Triplanetary, a prequel of sorts, and which
contains many inspirations for both Star
Wars and its own prequels. These are available at Project Gutenberg, along with some of
Smith's other works which are all worth reading. While you are
there, be sure to check out Edgar Rice Burrough's, A
Princess of Mars, the first in the "John Carter of Mars" books
that inspired both Flash Gordon and Lucas; many of Burroughs'
sequels, such as Gods of Mars and Warlord of Mars are also available to read.
Also of interest is The Golden Bough, the pre-curser to the
work of Joseph Campbell. Elsewhere, manybooks.net has some additional books by
Leigh Brackett and her husband Edmond Hamilton that may be of
07/27/07: New article up, making
explicit the original history of the Republic and the Empire which
has become a bit obscured--The
Republic Revolution .
07/03/07: For those wondering, I am
working on a second edition of the book, but due to film-related
work I haven't had nearly as much time to devote to it as I would
have liked. I can't say when it will be due but most likely not
until August. I'm working to provide some additional editing,
expansion, clarifications and corrections, fixing some formatting
issues, as well as adding at least one additional appendix; I'm also
working on creating an index and subject list for those looking for
a quick way to reference specific information in the book. Chapter
II, "The Star Wars," is also being divided into two seperate
chapters. For a good look back at the original film, Lard Biscuit's
site has
an article on how Star Wars '
status as a cinema classic has arguably been diminished by its
expansion into a franchise.
06/19/07: New article up. More
interesting for sheer novelty value, it nontheless is a surprising
historic artifact--an examination of early Star Wars internet
05/31/07: Small news item today
with the second part of the examination of the Journal of the
Whills. Back in March I posted what was known when the first
substantial information was released in Star Wars Insider issue 92,
with a promise that there would be an update once Jonathan Rinzler's
book was out-- so
here it is. Nothing new if you haven't read Rinzler's book or
the latest revision ofThe Secret History
of Star Wars but it should at the least make for a good source
of reference.
05/26/07: I wanted to post this
yesterday but since it has a somewhat negative slant to it I held
off; somehow it just didn't feel right for a day meant for
celebration. But anyway, a new article is now up--
Nature of the Beast. Its
a pretty important one, I think, though no doubt it will consolidate
my status as some stuck-up "basher" type fan. But regardless, it
examines the writing of the scripts to the Star Wars
series and what processes led to their creation--or more
specifically, whyStar Warsand Empire had incredible scripts and why the
rest did not (though that is not to say that the rest sucked). But
its not just the same old prequel bashing--its an actual examination
of the working and writing methods of George Lucas and how they
changed in unison with the films. Whether you agree or not I think
it would be educational to at least read it, as it is based on the
research I did for my book.
05/25/07: Happy
Star Wars day! Thirty years ago one of the
most important and beloved films of all time was released. Not
"Episode IV A New Hope", not the special edition, not anything part
of a trilogy or six-episode saga and not anything related to any
tragedy--"the Adventures of Luke Skywalker," and his heroic journey
from dreamer to hero. It took the space action of
Flash Gordon and combined it with the best
parts ofLawrence of Arabia and
Wizard of Oz and it enchanted audiences
like no film before or since. It's hard to believe that it turns 30
today. Celebration IV is beginning this weekend and right about now
there is a saga screening of all six films. Do yourself a favor and
watch the original film in its original version, even if Lucasfilm
won't screen it; there's a reason why we are celebrating the
thirtieth anniversary of that film and not the tenth anniversary of
the Special Edition. In other update news, new articles are on the
way next week. Work has kept me so busy that the second edition of
the book will probably be released sometime in late
04/29/07: As promised, my article
on the new making-of book is now up:
Thoughts on J.W. Rinzler's
Making of Star Wars. Overall the book is candid, thorough,
entertaining and meticulously accurate--however, there are a
small handful of statements which support some revisionist history
that you should be aware of. I examine these in the article. In
spite of these few minor errors the book is a marvellous creation,
possibly the best document relating to the production of the films
to ever be
04/25/07: Everyone might want to
check out a new archival site, simply calledThe Star
Wars Archives. A treasure trove of rare images and more, it
definitely lives up to its name. In other news, J.W. Rinzler's
The Making of Star Wars has been released
as of yesterday--my copy is on its way still, and I'll let you know
my thoughts on any pertinent issues that are contained within it
once i read it. The second edition of The
Secret History of Star Wars is currently being worked on (in
fact, I have been updating small revisions since the beginning of
the month). It should be available within a few weeks if all goes
well. Thanks to T-Bone for a nice review from hissite
. New articles coming soon...
04/10/07: Big update today, with
something i have been wanting to do for a long while now. A new
article is posted, "
The Influence and Imagery of Akira
Kurosawa", showing just how far-reaching Kurosawa was on Lucas.
Every fan should check it for a better understanding of the films.
This might be considered a sort of preview for another book i
started working on before i finished
Secret History of Star Wars ...
04/06/07: Small update with a brief piece looking at the
controversial reaction to the book (check articles
04/02/07: A fairly in-depth article
is now up, The Visual Development of Darth
Vader, showing how Vader was created and transformed through
production artwork and costume analysis. The Links section has now
been updated with a bunch of external articles that will be of
interest to readers, including the entire August 1977 Rolling Stone Lucas interview that is not
to be missed. I have also begun editing work on the second edition
of the book, hopefully to be released by the end of the
03/20/07: Added first article--A Re-evaluation of the Journal of the
Whills. Discusses the recent uncovering of a new Star Wars story that pre-dates the May
1973 synopsis. Check the Articles section.
03/18/07: Book released and website
up. Some sections are still under construction. Check back often for
future updates!
Web site and all contents
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