 The Book



Thoughts on J.W.
Rinzler's The Making of Star Wars
J.W. Rinzler's new book is out, and after four
intense days i finally finished reading through it. This thing
truely is a wonderful creation, more in-depth, insightful and candid
than i ever dreamed or hoped--its everything a Star Wars fan always wanted but never
thought would happen, in some cases giving a week by week breakdown
of the entire five year production. The discovery of the so-called
Lost Interviews that Charles Lippincott conducted from 1975-1978 was
truely a miraculous one--were it not for Lippincott's aborted
documentary attempt, we would not have this beast that is called
The Making of Star Wars
, and such
fine details and at-the-time-contemporary statements by Lucas and
others would be lost. Particularly poignant is Lippincott asking
Lucas if he has aquired Alec Guiness yet and Lucas can only reply
"we're working on it," as negotiations were still up in the
air--comments like these, hearing Lucas'
candid thoughts on the
story and production as it was being made, make this book
worth owning.
With that out of the
way, of interest should be how this book relates to my own. Well,
I'm glad i wrote "the production of Star Wars has been covered
by a plethora of other sources and need not be repeated here",
because anything i could have said would be pretty redundant
now. But the most pertinent issues are how does this book contradict
or re-inforce my own conclusions? Well, I was unsurprised--but
also relieved--to discover that there were no major
incompatibilities. Tons of information was provided that expands and
supplements my own research--such as the all-important third draft
outline that i wondered aloud about, as well an in-depth summary of
the original Journal of the Whills--but
of course there was no such fabled "Tragedy of Darth Vader" script
unearthed, nor any personal note of Lucas' that said "make
Vader Luke's father?" Indeed, this mammoth text may be the very
indisputable proof against any Vader-centric story ambitions, for it details specifically and
repeatedly how Lucas' story was Luke's. Nearly all of Lucas' notes
shown are those relating to Luke, and to a
lesser extent, Han, Kenobi and the droids; oftentimes Lucas would just
expel his thoughts in stream of conscious manner, and
it produced stuff such as "make workmen robots?" which was him
wondering about creating the droids. Vader, in fact, is hardly ever mentioned
at all in the book, and I can't even think
of a single note shown with his name on it. Certainly
though Lucas might have a few, and we are only exerpted
a sampling, but the main point is that there is nothing of significance
revolving around Vader, except the last draft where he kills Luke's father. This,
in contrast, is talked about quite a few times, showing that Lucas was
truely committed to the orthodox Father Skywalker story--and many of these
comments were made well before the film was even released. No
one cared about who "Luke space farmer" 's father was, and
thus if Lucas had done any significant development on him
there would be no need to hide it. Lucas continues
to speak of Luke's father as a seperate person, and he hardly
speaks of Vader at all, showing that he regarded him as he
was written--a rather minor player in the story, a mere
There are, however, four instances where some
may think that contradictions crop up.
One is where Lucas explains that Leia was always Luke's twin,
for example, and another is where it is stated that Darth
Vader's origin will be explored in a sequel. Some, no doubt, may uphold
these as evidence that Lucas truely did have the basic saga figured
out, at least in general terms--but these four instances are not what
they appear to be. As i will explain, they themselves are either
insertions from later sources--the Lost Interviews are not the only
source Rinzler used--or are themselves explainable in other,
simpler ways.
first to be looked at
is the one that is most explicit in its statement.
"Between the second and third drafts, Lucas
wrote a six-page story synopsis. Dated May 1, 1975...Not long
afterward Lucas, uncharacteristically, typed out a new
outline...Lucas changed [Luke from a girl back into a boy], while at
the same time resuscitating the princess. 'It was at that moment,'
says the writer, 'that i came up with the idea that Luke and the
princess are twins. I simply divided the character in two.' "
However, this quote is glaringly out of place in the context of
the book. Aside from this statement, the overriding impression one gets
is that Luke and Leia are unrelated--part of this is the whole
fairy tale motif where Luke is the naive peasant whom has to
rescue the kidnapped princess, and despite this statement about Lucas deciding
they are twins, they are still developed independently of one another, and
there literally is no evidence of any linkage aside from this
one isolated statement. But secondly, Lucas never once spoke of Leia as
a twin before 1983, and this comment has a very modern-Lucas sound
to it, and I find it hard to believe that this was something he
had said in the 1970's. This is cleared up when you look at
Rinzler's interview sources--he spoke to Lucas three times in
2006. Undoubtedly these three interviews produced this
These are generalised arguments but more
specific ones completely tear down this statement. The biggest one
is the one i already spoke of in The Secret History of Star
Wars --Leia is explicitly descibed as being the
specific age of sixteen. Luke on the other hand is roughly eighteen
or so--his exact age in the script is actually twenty: "LUKE
STARKILLER, a farm boy with heroic aspirations who looks much
younger than his twenty years," is how the revised fourth
draft describes him, though this was somewhat
give-and-take as publicity material would alternatively
describe him as nineteen or eighteen--but
clearly he is not to be sixteen like Leia. This is backed
up by the casting director, Dianne Crittenden:"The princess was supposed to be about sixteen, Luke
was about eighteen, and Han was in his early twenties." (p.
68) For the practical purposes of shooting, however, both Luke and
Leia had to be over eighteen so that underage union laws would not
slow down shooting, and Harrison Ford's unexpected eventual casting led to
Han being portrayed as someone in his late twenties rather than an
early twenties "James Dean" type as it was written. Lucas also says
that Leia has two younger brothers, age four and seven, on page
The third contradiction of this comment is
Lucas' own thoughts on sequels. Practically the only specific ideas
he speaks of for any sequels is that he wants Luke and Leia kissing
in the second film! He describes it as a romance, a Gone With the Wind
in Outer Space, but with Han leaving and Leia and Luke getting together(p.
107). Alan Dean Foster would eventually implement this in his
sequel Splinter of the Mind's Eye, which is rife with sexual tension between Luke and
Leia. By the time Lucas got to Empire
Strikes Back a few years later, however, he
found the opportunity to take this in different
directions, however,
though in the first draft a plot point revolves around the fact
that Luke is in love with Leia, and of course there is that
notorious open-mouth kiss in the final film
Lucas' statement does have some merit--Luke and
Leia are twins, but metaphorical ones, not literal ones, in the
same sense that Luke and Han are brothers of a sort. Han evolved out
of Luke as a contrast to him, and Leia evolved in the same way. "All
the characters came out of one composite--Luke," Lucas said in 1979.
"At one point i was going to have a girl in the center. Luke
Skywalker might never have been; he might have been a heroine. Leia
came out of Luke, so to speak, just as Han did, as the opposite of
Luke. Han Solo evolved from my wanting to have a cynical foil for
the innocent Luke. A lot of the characters came out of Luke because
Luke had many aspects. So i took certain aspects of the composite
Luke and put them into other characters." (Alan Arnold's
Empire making-of, p.222-223) Leia
is like Luke in a lot of ways but is confident
where he is unsure, active where is awkward. Han too is a closer twin
to Luke--both start out as a zero and become a hero, and one of
the least emphasized arcs of the original film is Han's; he undergoes the exact same
hero's journey as Luke, and its no surprise that its Luke and
Han who stand side by side with medals at the conclusion, dressed in similar
attire. Costume designer John Mollo even tells how this was intentional: "George said,
'No, I think [Luke] ought to look a bit more like Han
[for the medal scene].' It was a very last minute thing, but we concocted
an outfit like Han's in different colors." (p.
The next quote is
actually two parts to address. In this one Lucas hints at a
Skywalker family drama and also hints at Vader's
"I want to have
Luke kiss the princess in the second book. The second book will be
Gone With the Wind in Outer Space. She likes Luke, but Han
is Clarke Gable. Well, she may appear to get Luke, because in the
end i want Han to leave. Han splits at the end of the second
book and we learn who Darth Vader is...In the third book, i want the
story to be just about the soap opera of the Skywalker family,
which ends with the destruction of the Empire. Then someday i want
to do the backstory of Kenobi as a young man--a story of the Jedi
and how the Emperor eventually takes over and turns the whole thing
from the Republic into an Empire, and tricks all the Jedi and kills
them. The whole battle where Luke's father gets killed. Thats
impossible to do, but it's great to dream." (p.
This, however, is viewed with the contemporary
version of Star Wars in mind and thus
one's perception of this quote is biased. For starters, to simply
jump to the conclusion that this implies a Father Vader and Sister
Leia is exactly that--a jump. There is nothing that implies these
things, and instead they are assumptions based on the fact that
these elements were developed in the sequels. Looking at it with
simply the original film in mind, we get a different picture. Firstly,
"we learn who Vader is" should not be read as some
kind of shocking revelation--all Lucas
literally is saying is that Vader's origins would be explored. These origins
were that he was once a Jedi student of Kenobi's but betrayed
the Jedi and killed Luke's father. With Luke having to confront him
in the sequels, these issues would be natural to confront and
expand upon, and Lucas was even fantasizing about showing this in
a prequel-sequel. In fact, in the same breath as this
statement Lucas goes on to explain how Luke's father is
killed (implicitly by Vader, as Kenobi makes explicit in the script), and as
covered before, given that these were made in a
private conference with Foster for a movie that was thought to
be unsuccessful and which no one really cared about, theres no reason
why Lucas would be hiding anything--and in fact he goes on
to explain exactly what he means, stating how Vader killed the Jedi
including Luke's father. Lucas even spoils the ending for the
sequel--Han may look like he gets Leia but really Luke does; secrecy is
obviously not a factor, and Lucas makes it clear that Luke's
father is conceived as a seperate person who is already killed. It may also
be interesting to entertain the idea that Vader being the murderer of
Luke's father was not to be revealed in the first film--after all,
the draft that developed Darth Vader as having killed Father Skywalker did
not enter existance until a few days later; perhaps this information
was initially supposed to be given in film two, which would explain
the statement "we learn who Vader is."
second part of that statement is along similar lines--"soap opera
of the Skywalker family." As i wrote in The
Secret History of Star Wars, a major part of Luke's story arc
for the sequel would be the developing relationship between him and Vader, and
that his destiny as a Jedi would be to avenge his
father by finally slaying Darth, with the father's own lightsaber no less, a pretty operatic
and mythic notion. Thus, the Skywalker family soap opera is more
about Luke avenging Father Skywalker. The eventual sequels
re-inforce both of these things: in Empire Strikes Back
draft one and Splinter of the Mind's Eye, Luke and Leia are
in love, with Han leaving at the end of draft one (he is not
even present for Splinter), and
Luke battling Vader on behalf of his father is a major part of both
as well, especially in draft one of Empire. In this draft
as well, the "soap opera of the Skywalker family" is given added
weight by the fact that Father Skywalker himself returns in ghost
form to induct Luke into Jedi Knighthood and take up the fight which he
was killed in, though its debatable if Lucas had this particular ghost-plot in mind
at this time (my feeling is that it was not), and there
was also the addition of a twin sister who is also training to
be a Jedi--this last point was a concept that had been a major part
of the early drafts of Star Wars . It
may be wondered if Lucas had this aspect in mind at that time;
certainly that is a good possibility, although i maintain that there
is nothing to suggest as much so we must take it with a grain of
salt. So to sum up, there was indeed a Skywalker family soap opera
at play, and its at play in Star Wars as well--Luke's
father being a Jedi, being
by Vader and then Luke taking up the sword and continuing the battle on
his behalf. "I want to learn the ways of the Force
and become a Jedi like my father." Family heritage is a major part of the
The final quote to be examined is one
which looks to place The Duel, and the tragedy of Darth Vader being
crippled, as being developed much earlier. In The Secret
History of Star Wars i explain that the fourth draft of
Star Wars
is absent of any hints of The Duel, and that the concept
of a volcano confrontation was developed somewhere between the
fourth draft and the March 1976 production, with the crippling
aspect which necessitates the life-support-suit an aspect added in post
production.The quote comes on page 111:
backstory is about Ben and Luke's father and Vader, when they are
young Jedi Knights. Vader kills Luke's father, then Ben and Vader
have a confrontation, just like they have in Star Wars, and Ben
almost kills Vader. As a matter of fact, he falls into a volcanic
pit and gets fried and is one destroyed being. That's why he has to
wear the suit with a mask, because it's a breathing mask. It's like
a walking iron lung. His face is all horrible inside. I was going to
have a close-up of Vader where you could see the inside of his face,
but then we said, 'No, no, it would destroy the mystique of the
whole thing.'"
This, however, is a word for word copy from
Paul Scanlon's August 25th 1977 interview with Lucas for Rolling
Stone. Its a direct quote from it.
In fact, Rinzler lists that interview as one of his sources, and he
quotes from it in a few other places in his book as well. So, though
Lucas maintains that it was in place all along, it was in fact
developed in an evolutionary manner that only came to have the
details noted above in post-production, not late 1975 as Rinzler
places it. Rinzler's logic for placing it here is two-fold: Ben
Kenobi ceases to be mechanical in the fourth draft, and so he
surmises that Vader was turned into the mechanoid, while Lucas also
states that he didn't develop Vader's character until the fourth
draft. This last point, again, is in reference to his
past, however--most of Vader's history, that is being a Jedi, being
a student of Obi Wan's, and being a betrayer of the
Jedi, was actually in place in the third draft, but the crucial plot
point about him actually being the murderer of Luke father and the all-purpose
Sith-representer does not occur until the fourth
So, we see that these
apparent inconsistencies aren't really inconsistencies at all, they
just take a little bit of research to better understand their
meaning. Aside from these three or four statements, Rinzler's book
is honest and surprisingly goes against much of the Lucasfilm
double-talk lore surrounding the early story material, which is a
refreshing change of pace. It is thoroughly
researched, expertly written and often shows the
evolution of the story and the production in a much better
and more compelling manner than i was able to. Reading this
book is a must for any fan of the film or the series, and with the
sale prices so cheap right now I very much recommend the hardcover
version, which is beautiful first of all but second of all has fifty
pages of additional material.
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