 The Book



The Empire Strikes Back 1977 Story
One of the most interesting things to come
out of the recent The Vault
book is a reproduction of part of the 1977 story treatment that
George Lucas wrote. The book says the treatment is 19 pages long.
Unfortunately, we are only provided with the first four pages, which don't even bring
us out of the Hoth sequences. Nontheless, it is fascinating to see first-hand how
Lucas wrote his earliest conception of the sequel to
Star Wars.

following is a transcription of the first four pages as provided by
The Vault
. In cases where Lucas' printing is
illegible or questionable I have provided my best interpretation and
marked it with an asterix(*). Spelling mistakes should be taken as
faithful reproduction of Lucas' penmanship (for instance, in the
first paragraph he spells "meteorite" as "meatorite", and the second
sentence is missing a period).
the Empire Strikes
story treatment by
George Lucas.
Open on the bleak
white planet of Hoth. Luke is riding across the windswept ice slopes
on a large snow lizard (taun taun) He reins* up on the shaggy two
legged creature when he spots something on the horizon; a strange
ice formation, or meatorite hit. Luke talks into his walkie-talkie
which is on his helmet. He lifts his snow goggles as he says "Han,
ol buddy everythings OK here, but I saw a glint on the next ridge,
and I want to check it out." Over the com link we hear Han say "OK
but don't take too long kid, nite storms comming up." Luke says a
few kind words to his lizzard, sinks his spurrs in, and the beast
leaps forward. He rides over the ridge when suddenly, out of
nowhere, a giant snow creature jumps up in front of him, causing the
lizzard to rear back and throw Luke to the icy ground. the monster
grabs the taun taun by its neck, killing the poor lizzard, then
bashes Luke in the face. Unconscious, covered with blood the young
warrior from tatooine is dragged across the snow by the horrible
snow monster.
Han Solo rides his
snow lizzard into a huge, beautiful but eerie ice cave and dismounts
from his tauntaun. Its a big hanger for the rebel fleet, there is a
lot of activity as troops and robots batter* down the space ships.
Leia is in some kind of control area near the main hanger deck. Han
walks passed workmen blasting corridor off the main hanger, and
reinforcing things with metal gurters. He enters the control room
and Leia asks where Luke is. Han tells her, that Luke wanted to look
at an ice formation and would be delayed. He says " the whole planet
is safe, and deserted, nothing out there, and the empire will never
find us here." He's boasting about the whole thing. "now that things
are set, I'm leaving." he Explains to the princess, which upsets
her, and she becomes angry, icy as the cave. He says he must pay an
old debt, or he will be hunted down.
R-2 + 3P0 are in the
control room in same area, they comment on the environment, on
weather the empire will find them, and R-2 is slightly concerned
that Luke isnT back yet. Han leaves the control room and Leia
stormes off after him. the robots comment on Han
the princess and the
Pirate meet in one of the ice corridors outside the control room.
Han Explains the reason he has to go, important. He has no choice.
It's a mission that he must go off and complete at the end of the
film. Han comes on to Leia, but she won't have much to do with it.
She stays aloof of the whole situation and doesn't have time to fall
in love. She rejects Han as a rogue, and puts him in his place, but
she gets a sparkle in her eye, and is slightly attracted to
In the ice monsters
lare*, Luke is in trouble. He regains consciousness and uses the
Force for escape. He's fumbling with the use of the force. it's not
very strong with him, (visualized through para psyapsyie* aspects.)
the ice monster is always vague, and mysterious. Luke fingers a
talsman around his neck, and talks about Ben to himself. He feels he
must go to the planet described on Ben's talsman. Luke finally shows
up at the base and explains the monsters, and danger. the rebels
argue about thier safety, some think they may be able to control
them, as they have the taun tauns. they have a discussion about the
danger of the Empire finding them if they move again. In the process
of this argument Luke is taken to a medical area. he has been beaten
and battered quite a bit by now.
In the recovery room
Leia takes care of Luke. he is obviously in love with her, and he
tries to Express this to her. Leia says she can't love him, job etc,
but gives him a sentimental kiss. this tenderness is broken by the
enterting of Han and the robots, also Chewie. Discussion about Han
leaving and concern about the Empire, and the snow creature. Han and
Leia exchange a few snappy one-liners; He putting her on, and she
putting him down, Luke is generally confused by all of this. The
robots make humoros comments about it all. Luke tells Leia he must
also go on a personal mission.
Han is starting to
leave. Chewebacca is busy loading the Falcon when there is an attack
of the snow creatures in the ice cave. there is a gun battle and the
monsters are destroyed. three monsters attack Han. We still don't
get a clear look at the creatures. Chewie fights one of them,
sometimes he's a little afraid of mechanical things, but not afraid
of these creatures An explosion and the power goes
Vader - waiting at
center of the Imperial stronghold. It is revealed he knows where the
rebels are, and makes preperations to go after them.
the robots are
concerned about the monsters. the people are concerned about the
monsters. protective measures are taken, and a plan to drive the
monsters out of the base. A controler gives a damage report, they
have lost all power and will freeze if it is not restored
While they are working
on the power coupling the situation gets worse. A water or steam
main breakes off in Lukes hand and breaks, causing
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