 The Book

Jabba the Hutt: "Wonderful Human Being"
Call this an attempt at a Star Wars
myth-buster if you want, but the following issue has been one that I
have wanted to investigate for some time now; that issue is the
notion that Jabba the Hutt was always intended as an alien. His
deleted scene in Star Wars has attracted much attention,
and Lucas has long held that he intended to super-impose a creature
into the scene and finally realized this with the 1997 Special
Edition. Most people have never really called this into question
since the only form we have ever known the character in is the gross
slug from Return of the Jedi, so it seems natural--that,
and the fat Irish "stand-in" seen in the original Star Wars
footage is too ridiculous to be believed to have been
sincerely considered.
But, I will argue that there is very persuasive
evidence to show that Jabba was intended as a human gangster. The
large Irish version seen in the original Star Wars, played
by Declan Mulholland, seems a bit odd considering where the Jabba
character was taken in Return of the Jedi , but without
that context this early human version isn't that out of place.
Comparatively ineffective, yes--and that I think is one of the
reasons the scene was exercised to begin with. But we're getting
ahead of ourselves here.
To begin with, we should examine what Lucas
himself says about the scene:
"When I first shot the scene with Jabba the
Hutt, I knew I was going to create some kind of stop-motion
creature...I had to have somebody--an actor--play the part so
Harrison had someone to play against, so we just picked a big guy
and put him in a fuzzy vest. I, at that point, felt that he may be a
character somewhat like Chewbacca, a big furry character. We shot
that. As we were cutting the movie, [we] realized relatively quickly
that we didn't have the time or the money to actually shoot that
scene [the stop-motion optical]. That ILM was pressed way beyond
what it could pull off as it was. So I had to abandon that sequence
pretty early on. I had to cut back on special effects shots and that
sort of thing because ILM just couldn't handle it." (Making
Magic CD-ROM)
Now, this seems perfectly believable at first
glance--and yet, no one has ever corroborated this story. On the
other hand, evidence and documentation from the time of production
seems to speak of a very different version--that actor Declan
Mulholland was the genuine article.
For starters, actor Declan Mulholland's costume
is just that--a complete costume. On a rather modestly-budgeted film
such as Star Wars, where the budget was constantly scaled
back to maximize every penny, it is very strange that designer John
Mollo created and outfitted a complete costume, especially when the
budget was being stretched past its limits as it was; and if the
"stand-in" was meant to represent an alien, why is the
costume consistent design-wise with all the other "scum and
villainy" of the space-port? Lucas talks about Mulholland
wearing a "fuzzy vest" to represent a furry creature, but in fact
the vest is simply one part of a fully decked-out costume that is
perfectly in keeping with the other characters of the location; in
fact, the pelt vest is part of the "old west" cowboy style of
costuming for the Mos Eisley sequence, and if you watch films like
Rio Bravo you will see the same sort of costume on display.
Not only that, casting director Dianne Crittenden was involved in
finding a suitable actor, as Declan Mulholland was a prominent
character actor in the UK. He wasn't just a stand-in: Declan
Mulholland was meant to be the real thing.

More importantly,
while John Mollo and Dianne Crittenden were involved in creating
this Declan Mulholland Jabba, there is absolutely no indication that
ILM was. Jonathan Rinzler's meticulous book uncovers not a single
meeting, nor even a single reference , to Jabba the Hutt
even being considered a special effect at this time, nor does any
source contemporary to the film's release--nor, in fact, does any
source outside of Lucas himself. Not only that, before the scene was
ever filmed, when all the other elements of the film were designed,
the Jabba creature would have to be designed--but there are no Jabba
designs. Only John Mollo's costume sketches (this will be discussed
Taking this further, anyone who has worked
in post-production would instantly recognize that the way in
which the scene was filmed is not at all appropriate for visual
effects. There were no plates shot for background elements, and the
unrestrained interaction between Han and Jabba--touching each other,
physically overlapping, walking around each other--is far beyond any
technology available in 1977. In fact, even in the 1997 Special
Edition ILM computer wizards had a very hard time restoring the
sequence with a superimposed creature, an effort which consumed
nearly a year of work using state of the art digital technology--the
scene is simply shot without any regard for visual effects. And not
only that, there was no visual effects supervisor on-set: a
practically mandatory requirement for any special-pass or visual
effects elements. ILM was also shooting all of its live-action
special-pass optical shots using the Vistavision format, in order to
gain quality when ILM composited the extra optical--but the Jabba
scene was shot using regular 35mm Panavision cameras. In short,
there is no indication from the way the scene was made that there
was any consideration for a special effect, and no documented
efforts to design or attempt this "creature" were ever
But what of the technical issues Lucas
maintains plagued the scene? Well, there were indeed
technical issues that complicated its filming--but these were not
effects-related. They were camera related: lens issues.
Often times scenes will have to be re-filmed when the dailies are
screened due to focus issues, either by faulty lens optics or simple
human error of the focus puller. Gary Kurtz
"Well, the original idea was that [the Jabba scene]
was supposed to be there. It is in the script ... but it was a guy,
a human being, this sort of fat guy... looked a bit like Sydney
Greenstreet... and the scene is pretty much, I mean dialogue wise,
it's exactly what you see in the Special Edition. But it was a
person that was there, and we had technical difficulties with that
scene. We shot it over three times for camera problems, focus
problems, and film stock problem, and then abandoned it because we
ran out of time. We just said, "Well, the bulk of the information
that comes across in that scene, about Jabba threatening Han Solo
and wanting his money and all of that, we could get across in the
scene in the Cantina, with Greedo." It's basically the same kind of
information. So we just added some bits to the Greedo scene to make
it a little bit longer that gets across that information, and then
jettisoned that other scene. This all happened while we were
shooting. It wasn't done in the cutting room." (http://movies.ign.com/articles/376/376873p3.html)
The Making of Star Wars seems to corroborate some of
this, stating that the daily production reports indicate a faulty
40mm lens caused difficulty during the shooting of the docking bay
scenes the week of Monday, April 12th, 1976, although
it's unclear if this is second-unit or not (p.
As to the scene's deletion from the film, we again find an
answer that is entirely unrelated to any sort of "creature"
complication: the scene simply wasn't necessary. With Greedo already
confronting Han on behalf of Jabba, it was redundant. The Making
of Star Wars claims that it was because ILM didn't get the
stop-motion Jabba created in time (p.232)--but no one can
corroborate this. Not only that, there is no evidence that it was
ever attempted, not even in the meticulously detailed Making of
Star Wars itself. All that editor Richard Chew says about its
deletion in that book is: "George also thought there were too many
phony-looking green Martians that looked like Greedo in the
background." (p. 232) Indeed there was. Editor Marcia Lucas gives us
the most detailed account in John Peecher's 1983
"Jabba was a big debatable item. George had
never liked the scene Jabba was in because he felt that the casting
was never strong enough. There was an element, however, that I liked
a lot because of the way George had filmed it. Jabba was seen in a
long shot and he was yelling, while in the foreground, in a big
close-up, Han's body wiped into the left corner of the frame and his
hand was on a gun and he said, 'I've been waiting for you, Jabba.'
Then we cut to Han's face and Jabba turned around. I thought it was
a very verile moment for Han's character; it made him a real macho
guy, and Harrison's performance was very good. I lobbied to keep the
scene. But Jabba was not terrific, and Jabba's men, who all looked
like Greedo, were made of molded green plastic. George thought they
looked pretty phony, so he had two reasons for wanting to cut the
scene: the appearance of Jabba's men and the pacing of the movie.
You have to pick up the pacing in an action movie like Star
Wars , so ultimately, the scene wasn't necessary." (p.
Lucas himself even alludes to this: "The scene
with Greedo tells the same story, which is Han is wanted by a bounty
hunter and that's his motivation for taking these guys on this
trip." (Making Magic CD-ROM)
But we may only turn to the script itself to
discover the obvious. When the script was publically released in
1979's The Art of Star Wars it was forged--"Episode
IV A New Hope" was added to the title, but there was more than that:
some of the content was altered as well. By 1979, when the script
was released, Lucas had made plans to showcase Jabba in the third
film (as evident by Lando's last line in Empire referencing
rescuing the frozen Han Solo from Jabba), and by then had
re-developed him as an outrageous slug alien--the description here
is an early one, two years before the Return of the Jedi
art department developed him in 1981. This 1979 "public" version of
"A New Hope"'s screenplay included the discarded Jabba
94 - DAY
Jabba the Hut and a
half-dozen grisly alien pirates and purple creatures stand in the
middle of the docking bay. Jabba is the grossest of the slavering
hulks and his scarred face is a grim testimonial to his prowess as a
vicious killer. He is a fat, slug-like creature with eyes on
extended feelers and a huge ugly mouth.
JABBA Come on out
But in fact, this is a subtle alteration--the
real script has no reference to him being an alien. All that is said
is that he is a hulking and gross gangster--very much like actor
Declan Mulholland was cast as. From the actual revised fourth
Jabba the Hut and a half
dozen grisly pirates and purple aliens stand in the middle of the
docking bay. Jabba is the grossest of the salivering hulks and his
scarred face is a grim testimonial to his prowess as a vicious
JABBA Come on out
When Han Solo thanks him as "a wonderful human
being", audiences in 1997 thought it was a clever bit of irony. But
the line originally had a more literal meaning. Han was
still being sarcastic--the joke is not that Jabba's not a
human being, but that he's not a "wonderful " one; it's
false courtesy being shown to a criminal that earlier in the day
sent an assassin to kill him.
But what of Lucas' claims about wanting to replace the human
actor with a stop-motion puppet? Where do such claims originate
from? Is there any validity to this element? There may
be, actually. To loop back around to the very beginning here,
let's go back to the mid-70's. Lucas says that he originally
envisioned Jabba as an alien--this is not unbelievable, at least on
face value. Perhaps not the over-the-top slug of Return of the
Jedi--if Declan Mulholland and the shooting script are any
indication of descent from a hypothetical original concept, he's fat
and menacing and dangerous, sort of like the Kingpin character from
Spiderman; if he was to be an alien, he need not be as over-the-top
outrageous as the giant slug from Jedi . Likely, he was
conceived in slightly more realistic terms, perhaps simply as an
actor in makeup or with an animatronic mask (which is sort of the
impression that Alan Dean Foster's novelization gives--that book
described Jabba in human terms but more exaggerated than the result
Declan Mulholland provided, describing Jabba's hanging jowls shaking
when he laughs). But it certainly is allowable that Lucas had first
thought up the character as some kind of obese alien crime
However, budget cuts had a profound influence
on the fourth draft screenplay--here, the film had now been
green-lit and moved into pre-production, and Lucas had to confront
practical reality and make some judicial changes with cost and
feasibility in mind. The art department also had much of its budget
scaled back at this point. So, perhaps, instead of an obese alien
crime pirate, which would have required some sort of mask, or
perhaps even a stop-motion puppet, Jabba was scaled down into an
obese human crime pirate instead.
Lens problems plagued the scene first, and then
editorial problems plagued it in post-production. At this stage
the stop-motion idea comes into the picture--Lucas states in The
Making of Return of the Jedi that he was contemplating
requesting extra money from Fox to shoot a stop-motion puppet to
matte in over Declan Mulholland, and that when this was denied the
scene was dropped (see below).
Part or all of this may or may not be true--it seems slightly
dubious. For one, Lucas ought to have been aware of the
impracticality and downright impossibility to accomplish this, given
the way the scene was shot--even if he genuinely believed it could
be done, he would have quickly found out upon attempt that this
would not work, thus Jabba would remain as written and shot as a
person. However, another reason to doubt this, at least in the
manner Lucas tells it, is because the request to shoot additional
material came long after the Jabba scene was totally dropped. As
stated, the scene was among the early material cut in 1976, back
when Marcia Lucas was still working on the edit, however it was not
until early 1977 that Lucas proposed to Fox to film additional
material to liven up the film, among them reshots of much of the
cantina footage. The only explanation reconcileable here is that
Lucas briefly contemplated resurrecting the already-deleted Jabba
scene with his stop-motion idea, but then discarded this notion when
Fox denied him the money to do so. Lucas tells his version of the story in John
Peecher's 1983 book The Making of Return of the
"The original idea was that he'd be a monster.
But then we couldn't make him a monster, so we cast him as a human.
I was going to superimpose or matte in a monster over the actor. I
asked Fox for extra money for more creatures in the Cantina, to
shoot some more stuff in the desert, and also to do this bluescreen
Jabba to fit into that scene. I needed about $80,000 to do it all,
and Fox said: 'We'll give you 40.' So we actually cut the scene out
before we got to the point of shooting the monster part. If I had
the money, I might have shot it anyway. If it still didn't work, I'd
probably have cut it out." (p.89-90)
It should be noted, however, that all that has
ever been talked about by anyone regarding these re-shoots is the
cantina close-ups and Tatooine pick-ups. Gary Kurtz, in The
Making of Star Wars , goes into detail about how negotiating
the budget for the cantina pick-ups was a big deal because of the
expensive monster masks, but is silent about an item as significant
as attempting to budget Jabba as a special effect.
the hypothesis that Jabba may have been first conceived of as
an alien and then scaled back into a human is also contradicted by
the earliest drafts of the script. It is curious that this
"original" monster depiction is absent from the earliest
writings--even the ones from the second draft, when Lucas was more
unrestrained with his imagination and less conscious of budget
issues. The earliest reference to Jabba comes from a writing note
made for the second draft, probably in late 1974, for a scene that
was never written: "Jabba in prison cell." In draft two, Han Solo
has to outwit a space pirate named Jabba the Hutt--so the character
that was written and filmed in 1976 is basically the same character
as his first depiction. In fact, his description in this second
draft is almost identical to his description in draft
Two gruff
and grisly pirates are playing a kind of dice game with thin little
sticks. The larger and mangiest of the two slavering hulks, JABBA
THE HUTT by name, throws his dice at
This second draft sees Han serving on a
pirate ship under Jabba the Hutt, whom he tricks into giving
him the ship to transport Luke (Han fakes a reactor overload,
causing Jabba and the crew to flee, allowing Han to steal the
ship). In draft three, this scene is reprised, only now it is
in Mos Eisley. Just after Han agrees to transport Ben and Luke, he
bumps into Jabba and his men. Jabba intimidates Han into taking a
job for him since Jabba helped build his ship; Han, clearly
outgunned, agrees, but he cleverly tricks Jabba through sabotage and
steals the ship as a transport for Luke and Ben. Once again, Jabba
is described as per draft two.
A commotion filters down from
the entry gantry and Chew- bacca whines pessimistic comment. A dozen
or so gruff and grisly pirates approach the ship. The grossest of
the slavering hulks is JABBA THE HUTT. His scarred face is a grim
testimonial to his prowess as a vicious killer.
HAN You're back
JABBA A shipment of Covina just took off for
Gordon. I thought we might reroute it back here.
He laughs maniacally. Han is not
HAN You'll have
to get yourself another boy, Jabba. I've got a charter.
JABBA Forget it.
We settled this before, remember? There's no getting out. Now get
this 'can' started...
It's a moment of great tension.
Han glances at the four pirates standing near them. Two of the
greasy brigands have their weapons pointed at him. The young
starcaptain stands firm for a few moments with his hand resting on
his utility belt only inches from his blaster. Chewbacca sways back
and forth as he adjusts his weight from one foot to the
JABBA Well??
Han turns and reluctantly boards
the ship. Jabba walks alongside Han and puts his arm around
JABBA Han, after
all we've been through, I'm disappointed we're not closer. You're
getting soft now that the ship's finished. You may have built this
bucket, but never forget who paid for it, 'cause if you try to take
her out again, I won't be so understanding.
As Han and the pirates are about
to depart from the docking bay in the pirate ship, Han jams a
piece of metal in the engine, causing smoke and fire. The crew runs
out of the ship and Han signals for Luke, Ben and the droids to get
A lumbering Jabba the Hutt and
the remains of his terrified crew stop in the street and try to
collect themselves.
happened? Han? Montross, where's Han? Montross? Where is
A strange assortment of alien
creatures and robots watch Jabba from their cool alcoves along the
edge of the street. The ground trembles and the pirates turn to see
the mighty pirate starship riding above the dingy slum dwellings.
The pirates stand dumbfounded, as the starship quickly
JABBA He took
the ship. He took the ship!!
The next draft eliminated
Jabba in favor of Han and co. being stopped as they are about to
leave by an Imperial Bureaucrat named Montross, whom Han outfoxes.
The revised fourth draft changed the heroes tense escape
from an Imperial bureaucrat to being confronted by stormtroopers,
but it also brought back the Jabba character to better define Han.
Han is now the owner of the ship, simplifying the
side-story of him working with a gang of space pirates, but like in
the third draft, Jabba has come to collect an old debt, now with an
additional scene involving Greedo.
So, as you see, though
Lucas' previous description seems to be legitimate, there is indeed
very good reason to still doubt it. Jabba was envisioned from the
beginning as a hulking space pirate--and apparently human. The only
possibility one gets from this history through the drafts is that
perhaps Jabba as an "alien" would simply be a human actor with a few
bumps and prosthetics glued on his face like the original Star
Trek series often did. But even still, this is a far cry from a
creature so outrageous that it requires a special effect to portray
the character--and if Lucas had indeed conceived a more simplistic
alien angle, he probably would have been able to portray this in the
shoot. John Mollo did a sketch for Jabba like this while he was
designing the costume, making him a scrawny humanoid with a third
eye, (Rinzler, p. 111) but Lucas must have rejected this in favor of
the "gross hulk" as the script describes, though, as Marcia Lucas
states, the casting of Declan Mulholland as this original version
was not as strong as envisioned.

In all likelihood, Lucas
came up with the matted-in creature idea after the scene
had been already been shot, possibly in time for the request for
additional footage in early 1977, or possibly not, explaining why
the scene was filmed with Declan Mulholland in mind as the genuine
article. Whenever the idea germinated, it was before November 1979,
when the alien-Jabba was integrated into the Art of Star
Wars screenplay, and before July, 1977--in that month, the
comic adaptation of the film was released, featuring a
humanoid-alien Jabba (probably designed at the artist's
discretion solely on the instruction of "make Jabba an
Tambone believes the artists simply recycled one of the cantina

Lucas admits in the
Making Magic CD-ROM that at the time the scene was shot,
Phil Tippet, who was doing the stop-motion for the film (ie the
holographic chess pieces), had not yet designed a creature, and
that, as he saw ILM being pushed past their limits, he let go of the
idea of attempting a stop-motion creature--perhaps indicating the
idea was a spontaneous one that came to him in post-production but
quickly dissipated due to its total impracticality, only to be
feasible for Return of the Jedi and the Special Edition
years later when it was properly planned.
(note: I also believe that
the matted-in puppet idea was attempted in 1981 when Return of
the Jedi was in pre-production; storyboards were comissioned,
seen on Lou Tambone's page, showing how an early Jabba concept (this
one with feet, to allow walking with Han), could potentially be
matted in to the original discarded scene. Perhaps this was done
with the 1981 re-release in mind, which also contained the addition
of having Episode IV A New Hope in the title crawl. The Jabba design
here coresponds with Jedi pre-production artwork circa 1981, as does
the inclusion of Salacious Crumb.)

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