 The Book



The Republic
One aspect of the series that I never
found adequate room to more articulately lay out in The Secret
History of Star Wars is the development of the Republic, its
transformation into the Empire, and the fall of the Jedi, and
just what the details of the original history were at the time of
the first film. Lucas' earliest notes that he created in 1973 were
in development of this, as he had to first sketch out the world and
it's history before he could populate it with characters. Combining
influences such as Dune and Foundation
with real-world
elements taken from the samurai and the then-current Nixon
melodrama, Lucas initially envisioned a
Galactic Empire that was once prosperous but had slowly been corrupted by
its rulers, turning into a fascist state that instigated a civil war as
rebels fought back against the tyranny. All of Lucas social and
political beliefs can be found in this history--disdain for the the
monotonous bureaucracy whose procedures obstruct justice and manipulate control
behind the scenes, corporate take-over and commerce monopolising, bribery and corruption
of elected officials, and the slow replacement of freedom with
control in the name of state security. The earliest version of this
world in the rough draft was not known as a Republic but
rather a peaceful Empire which was then overtaken by a Hitler-esque tyrant called Cos
Dashit, who outlawed the Jedi and enlisted the rival Sith knights to hunt them
down in the effort to squash the rebellion that
had formed.
The opening crawl in this 1974 draft stated:
"Until the recent GREAT REBELLION, the JEDI BENDU were the most
feared warriors in the universe. For one hundred thousand years,
generations of JEDI perfected their art as the personal bodyguards
of the emperor. They were the chief architects of the invincible
IMPERIAL SPACE FORCE which expanded the EMPIRE across the galaxy,
from the celestial equator to the farthest reaches of the GREAT
RIFT. Now these legendary warriors are all but extinct. One by one
they have been hunted down and destroyed as enemies of the NEW
EMPIRE by a ferocious and sinister rival warrior sect, THE KNIGHTS
Starting with the second draft, however, the
key changes were made which survived into the final film of 1977.
These related mainly to the civilization being a Republic with a
great Senate that grew corrupt, with the bureaucracy allowing a
senator to become dictator, the public manipulated into accepting
his tyranny due to the prevalence of war and crime, and corporations entangled in the bribes and payoffs
that facilitated this mockery of justice. Here not all of the senate
was corrupt and under the payroll of the bureaucracy/Emperor (the ruler
essentially being the figurehead of these true manipulators) and so they
rebelled, initially through political means such as an attempted
impeachment trial. The Jedi sided with the rebellion, but soon a
failed coup d'etat turned the public against them, and they were
disbanded and outlawed by the new Empire, who had built up substantial military force
by then. The Sith knights were then enlisted
to hunt down the survivors who had not been
arrested and executed, and though the Jedi eventually tried to
regroup they were ultimately destroyed. In draft three and four, Lucas developed
that Vader was a prime factor in their demise; he had secretly
betrayed them and began assassinating them before they were officially outlawed, and the
Emperor began assassinating the senators that opposed the Empire as well. Eventually
Vader was provided with an elite team of soldiers to destroy the survivors
that had dispersed; Ben Kenobi and Annikin Skywalker were the last
survivors, and though Vader was successful in killing Skywalker he was
defeated by his former master, Kenobi, and in 1977
it was decided that his wounds upon this battle on the
site of a volcano resulted in his suit which was
a life support device. It was also decided at this time that
the Emperor was a sincere tyrant, whom had maintained control of his dictatorship
and had Vader as his personal emissary--in contrast to the novel, which contained statements indicating
that not only was the Emperor a front for the power-hungry bureaucrats, but that there
had been several successors to Emperor Palpatine since the
Empire's formation.
Significant changes were made in the sequels of
course. First Vader and Anakin were combined and the Emperor made
into a tyrant who not only was a genuinely powerful ruler in league
with the bureaucracy (as opposed to the bureaucracy secretly being
the true menace) but whom was actually a Sith Lord that lured Anakin
to the darkside; here the other Sith were eliminated from the story
with Anakin as the Emperor's personal commander. In the
prequels, Lucas developed that the Empire was actually born out of a
civil war as a faction of Separatists fight for independence from
the Republic--the "war and terrorism" originally intended as the
corroding social structure of the state was now turned into an epic
battle. In here it was also combined with the Clone Wars--in
draft three of Star Wars Lucas had developed that the Jedi
were once involved in a great war called the Clone Wars that occurred
long ago. There wasn't a specific story to it but during Empire
Strikes Back Lucas eventually developed that this Clone
War was the result of "Imperial Shocktroopers" waging war as they
tried to overtake the Republic, which the Jedi were successful in
defeating--one of the survivors from this evil Shocktrooper army was
Boba Fett. In this version it may be surmised that the clones of the
Clone War were the Republic stormtroopers, created in response, a
speculation given credence since they were now revealed by Lucasfilm
as being clones (in the original 1977 version the Republic had
ballooned its military force due to the increasing social strife,
which resulted in a ready army once it was turned into the Empire,
that it could continue to maintain order with; the stormtroopers
were also to be normal military recruits). In the prequels of course
this Clone War was moved much more forward--in the Empire
Strikes Back version it had already been moved forward--so
that it coincided with the Emperor's rise and was actually an
artificial manipulation orchestrated by the Sith, who were planning
on taking back the galaxy after being defeated a millennia earlier.
The Emperor was the latest in the secretly-surviving twosome, called
Darth Sidious. Here the Jedi meet their doom through the clone war
soldier's programmed eradication in "Order 66" which sees them
killed while in battle; the Jedi also were developed in having a
central temple which allowed death squads to wipe out the
remainders, with Vader eventually hunting down the few that
remained. Here Yoda, developed during Empire Strikes
a powerful Jedi elder and now developed as the head of the
entire Jedi order, survives with Ben Kenobi, while the attempted
assassination of the Supreme Chancellor is used as a means of
transitioning into the Empire and disbanding the Jedi order, which
was now portrayed as corrupt itself.
The following is as thorough a re-construction
of the original conception of the Republic's revolution as I can
find. These sources mainly are: the second draft screenplay (1975),
the novelisation (1976), and comments Lucas made in 1977 (taken from
the Carol Titleman interview in Rinzler's Making of). The
second draft does features a number of apocrypha
elements--specifically those relating to Darklighter and The
Starkiller, who would transform into Darth Vader and Annikin in the
next draft--but otherwise should be considered valid. You will also
see a few subtle transformations with Vader and the Emperor as they
are slowly linked together and made more powerful in the 1977
The Second draft,
"For thousands of years, [the Jedi] brought peace
and justice to the galaxy. At one time there were several hundred
Jedi families, but now there are only two or three...As the Republic
spread throughout the galaxy, encompassing over a million worlds,
the GREAT SENATE grew to such overwhelming proportions that it no
longer responded to the needs of its citizens. After a series of
assassinations and elaborately rigged elections, the Great Senate
became secretly controlled by the Power and Transport guilds. When
the Jedi discovered the conspiracy and attempted to purge the
Senate, they were denounced as traitors. Several Jedi allowed
themselves to be tried and executed, but most of them fled into the
Outland systems and tried to tell people of the conspiracy. But the
elders chose to remain behind, and the Great Senate diverted them by
creating civil disorder. The Senate secretly instigated race wars,
and aided anti-government terrorists. They slowed down the system of
justice, which caused the crime rate to rise to the point where a
totally controlled and oppressive police state was welcomed by the
systems. The Empire was born. The systems were exploited by a new
economic policy which raised the cost of power and transport to
unbelievable heights. Many worlds were destroyed this way. Many
people starved...During one of his lessons a young PADAWAN-JEDI, a
boy named Darklighter, came to know the evil half of the force, and
fell victim to the spell of the dreaded Bogan. He ran away from his
instructor and taught the evil ways of the Bogan Force to a clan of
Sith pirates, who then spread untold misery throughout the systems.
They became the personal bodyguards of the Emperor. The Jedi were
hunted down by these deadly Sith knights."
The novelisation,
"Once, under the wise rule of the Senate and the
protection of the Jedi Knights, the Republic throve and grew. But as
often happens when wealth and power pass beyond the admirable and
attain the awesome, then appear those evil ones who have greed to
match. So it was with the Republic at its height. Like the
greatest of trees, able to withstand any external attack, the
Republic was rotted from within though the danger was not visible
from outside. Aided and abetted by restless, power-hungry
individuals within the government, and the massive organs of
commerce, the ambitious Senator Palpatine caused himself to be
elected President of the Republic. He promised to unite the
disaffected among the people and to restore the remembered glory of
the Republic. Once secure in office he declared himself Emperor,
shutting himself away from the populace. Soon he was controlled by
the very assistants and boot-lickers he had appointed to high
office, and the cries of the people for justice did not reach his
ears. Having exterminated through treachery and deception the
Jedi Knights, guardians of justice in the galaxy, the Imperial
governors and bureaucrats prepared to institute a reign of terror
among the disheartened worlds of the galaxy. Many used the imperial
forces and the name of the increasingly isolated Emperor to further
their own personal ambitions. But a small number of systems
rebelled at these new outrages. Declaring themselves opposed to the
New Order they began the great battle to restore the
Lucas interviews,
“In the Old Republic, all the systems sent their
representatives to the Senate. It wasn’t an Imperial Senate; it was
a Republican Senate, which made the decisions that controlled the
Republic. There were 24, 372 systems in the Galactic Senate. The
Senate would vote in a Chancellor or an overseer who would work for
four years as the leader of the executive branch of the the
Republic. You were only supposed to be able to run for one four-year
term—you were only eligible for one term. What happened was one
of the Chancellors began subverting the Senate and buying off the
Senators with the help of some of the large intergalactic trade
companies and mining companies. Through their power and money, he
bought off enough of the senate to get himself elected to a second
term, because of a crisis. By the time the third term came along, he
had corrupted so much of the Senate that they made him Emperor for
the rest of his life. Giving the Emperor that title for life and
doing away with the elective processs was all done with a lot of
rationalizing. Many in the Senate felt that having elections and
changing leaders in the time of an emergency disrupted the
bureaucratic system. And the bureaucracy was getting to be so big
that changing leaders made it impossible to have any effect on the
system and make it work—moreover, the bureaucracy was running amok
and not paying attention to the rulers. So they reasoned that the
Emperor could bring the bureaucracy back into line. So the Emperor
took control of the bureaucracy. The Galactic Senate would meet for
a period that was similar to a year, but after it became the
Imperial Senate, the meetings were less and less frequent until
finally the meetings were only once a year, and they were very
short. With the bureaucracy behind the Emperor, it was impossible
and too late for the Senate to do anything. He had slowly
manipulated things; in fact, it was he who let the bureaucracy run
amok and therefore had blackmailed the Senate into doing things
because he was the only one who really had any power over the
bureaucracy. It was so large there was no way to get things done,
but he knew the right people; the key people in the bureaucracy were
working for him and were paid by the companies. When he became
Emperor, a little over half the Senate as it turned out was not
involved, was not corrupted—and they reacted strongly against the
whole thing. There was a rebellion in terms of the Senate against
the Emperor; they tried to oust him legally and have him impeached.
But many of the Senators who were fighting the Emperor at that time
mysteriously died. The Jedi Knights were alerted immediately and
they rallied to the Senate’s side. But there was a plot afoot and
when the Jedi finally rallied and tried to restore order, they were
betrayed and eventually killed by Darth Vader.”
“When the Jedi tried to restore order, Darth
Vader was still one of the Jedi. What he would do is catch the Jedi
off-guard and, using his knowledge of the Force, he would kill the
Jedi without them realizing what was happening. They trusted him and
they didn't realize he was the murderer who was decimating their
ranks. At the height of the Jedi, there were several hundred
thousand. At the time of the Rebellion, most of them were killed.
The Emperor had some strong forces rally behind him, as well, in
terms of the army and the Imperial forces that he'd been building up
secretly. The Jedi were so outnumbered that they fled and were
tracked down. They tried to regroup, but they were eventually
massacred by one of the special elite forces led by Darth Vader.
Eventually, only a few, including Ben and Luke's father, were left.
Luke's father is named Annikin.”
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