 The Book

The Turn: A History of the Evolution of Anakin's
have accepted the truth that you were once Anakin Skywalker, my
"That name no longer has any meaning
for me."
"It is the name of your true self you
have only forgotten."
At the heart of the story of the
Star Wars saga lies the character of Darth Vader and his
downfall as a heroic Jedi knight. While originally this character
was mostly in the role of a villain, and the issues surrounding his
fall and redemption a mere subplot in Return of the Jedi
tied primarily to the hero Luke and not an issue unto itself, with
the prequels George Lucas created a new movie series where this
becomes the prime through-line of the six-episode story. As such,
the storyline of the origins of Darth Vader did not originate with
the first film--nor even were they solidified as the film that would
actually show it, Revenge of the Sith, was made. In this
article we will explore how the details of the downfall of Anakin
Skywalker transformed--even as late as 2004.
In the beginning, to borrow such an
inflated phrase, the downfall itself was not attached to Annikin
Starkiller, Luke Starkiller's father--nor was it attached to Darth
Vader. Anakin's turn to the darkside first appears in the rough
draft of Star Wars from 1974, though it is not so much a
tragic turn as it is loyalty to the wrong side. In that draft Prince
Valorum is a Sith Lord--here the Jedi and Sith are two opposing
warrior sects, not quite the mythical avatars for the forces of good
and evil in the later films. Prince Valorum, however, undergoes a
change of heart--General Skywalker has known Valorum for quite some
time, and points out that the forces of the Empire are not worthy of
servitude, for they have no respect for the higher, samurai-like
code of honor the Jedi and Sith live by. Valorum renounces the
Empire and joins the heroes. Here there is no "fall" per se, and how
Valorum ended up on the side of the Sith is never explored. However,
the next draft would introduce the storyline of a Jedi who betrays
his peers and joins the Sith--as part of the exposition told in the
script, this tale is attached to a Jedi named Darklighter, who runs
away from his Jedi mentors and joins the "Sith pirates," teaching
them the ways of the Force of Others. Finally, in the third draft
from 1975, this storyline gets attached to villain Darth Vader, and
Ben Kenobi is also introduced as his failed mentor.
LUKE Don't you have a Kiber
BEN I had
one, but it was taken at the battle of Condawn [...] It was a
black day. One of my disciple's [sic] took the crystal and became a
Sith Lord. It was a black day. The few crystals that remain are in
the possession of the Sith Lords on Alderaan. That's how they've
become so powerful [...] The Crystal Darth stole was the last
one in the possession of the Jedi. When he joined the Sith, the
power of the Dark Lords was completed.
In the revised fourth draft, Vader
was then made into the murderer of Luke's father, and a backstory
involving a duel on a volcano was developed. Lucas tells Rolling
Stone in 1977, "Vader kills Luke's father, then Ben and Vader
have a confrontation, just like they have in Star Wars, and
Ben almost kills Vader. As a matter of fact, he falls into a
volcanic pit and gets fried and is one destroyed being. That's why
he has to wear the suit with a mask, because it's a breathing mask.
It's like a walking iron lung." In 1978, Vader was then fused with
the character of Annikin Skywalker, Luke's father. Here Lucas began
developing the "tragic" elements--Luke's father was a hero, and not
just a "bad seed" the way the student Darth Vader was; now it was a
fall from grace. In order to explain how he could have turned evil,
Lucas developed that he was manipulated and lured to the darkside by
Emperor Palpatine--his choice is no longer an altogether-evil
act. This then necessitated that Emperor Palpatine himself was
a Sith Lord, instead of merely a corrupt politician. Time
magazine explains in May 1980:
"For years the universe was goverened by a
republic, which was regulated by the order of Jedi Knights who bore
a vague resemblance to Japanese Samurai warriors. But eventually the
citizens of the republic 'didn't care enough to elect competent
officials,' says Lucas the historian, and so their government
collapsed. A sorcerer, a bad counterpart to Yoda, blocked all
opposition and declared himself Emperor...The Emperor subverts Darth
Vader to his side, and together he and Vader betray the other
Knights, nearly all of whom are killed in their
With Return of the Jedi ,
Lucas made things more specific, though most of this dialog was
exercised from the final film:
When I first knew him, your father
already a great pilot. But I was amazed
strongly the Force was with him. I took
upon myself to train him as a Jedi.
thought that I could instruct him just
well as Yoda. I was wrong. My pride
had terrible consequences for the
There's still good in
I also thought he could be turned back to
good side. It couldn't be done. He is
machine now than man. Twisted and
To be a Jedi, Luke, you must confront
then go beyond the dark side - the side
father couldn't get past. Impatience
the easiest door - for you, like your
Only, your father was seduced by what
found on the other side of the door, and
have held firm. You're no longer so
now, Luke. You are strong and patient.
When he began writing the prequels
in 1994, Lucas had to figure out a way to transpose all of this into
a specific plot and sequence of events. While Lucas had first
intended to script all three prequels between 1994 and 1997, after
starting the screenplay for Episode I this plan fell by the wayside
and Lucas dedicated all his time to that film, leaving Episodes II
and III, while rudimentally sketched, still ephemeral. What Lucas
did know, however, is that Anakin's Skywalker's downfall would be
linked to issues of possessiveness, of his need for control, which
would manifest itself as a lust for power, whether to protect
his wife or simply for himself, as he slowly is drawn to the
darkside and with Palpatine manipulating him into believing the Jedi
are planning a betrayal of the Republic; all along, Anakin would
have believed he was doing it all for the right reasons, that he was
in fact justified in some twisted way. As Lucas would later say,
most evil people believe they are doing their deeds for the right
reasons. Lucas also had devised that the death of Anakin's
mother would be a prime factor in contributing to this process.
Nevertheless, even as Lucas entered
pre-production of Episode III in early 2002, this arc had, as
far as evidence suggests, not undergone much further development.
However the specifics of how Anakin's downfall would play out in the
screenplay, Lucas seemed to nonetheless have a vision of it in his
head. That is, until he actually began the process of figuring it
out on paper--placing this ephemeral mental conception of the story
into tangible form revealed problems Lucas hadn't counted on
encountering. By this point, Episode III had some substantial
development in the art department--Lucas developed an opening
sequence that would see seven battles of the Clone Wars fought on
seven different planets, which had undergone much depiction by
conceptual artists, and other weapons and creatures (such as a
"lemur people") had been developed. (i) But when Lucas took a family
vacation in August of 2002 before comitting himself to three years
straight on Episode III, he began the process of laying out the
actual story itself, and not just the aliens or action scenes he
envisioned for the film. Lucas says:
"Back in August, I started writing this thing...But
the script starts to have its own life. Characters start to tell you
what to do--and you end up with problems...And you have to solve
these problems, because what you thought was going to happen isn't
happening...So I had to disassemble Episode III and re-think it, to
make it line up with Episode IV. When you actually put it down on
paper and start doing it scene by scene--when you really start
pulling it apart--you say 'Well, I have to have a through-line. And
I have to stick with it.' " (ii)
Whatever tangential storylines this
change may have eliminated, more significant is that it is primarily
a re-structure, as Lucas and Rinzler make clear. While the nature of
Anakin's arc remained, more or less, intact, the structure of how it
would occur--and hence the structure of the movie itself--seems to
have undergone drastic changes. What this original structure was is
sketchy, at best, but it seems as though Dooku was to survive until
later in the film; with Anakin being drawn to the darkside, he might
finally slay Dooku and take his place at Palpatine's side, as a sort
of parallel to what would have happened to Luke in Return of the
Jedi (in the final film, Lucas would stage the scene on a set
identical to the throne room from Jedi, perhaps a remnant
from this original, more literal parallel).
This was changed, it may be argued,
because the arc of Anakin's turn was too abrupt--the very same issue
that would later prompt even more massive changes in
post-production. Instead, Lucas moved Dooku's death from the middle
of the film to the beginning, changing the film's opening from a
montage of Clone War battles to a sequence wherein Anakin and Obi
Wan must rescue the kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine and where Anakin
kills Dooku at Palpatine's request, leaving more transition time
from this established foundation and allowing him to become a
bodyguard to Palpatine. (iii) Roughly a week
after this new opening sequence was unveiled to the art department,
Lucas also approached them about a new idea he had--a droid General
for the Seperatists. (iv)
Here Lucas created a new villain,
General Grievous, to inherit the role Dooku was originally
supposed to fill, with Anakin's sacrificial victim now being Mace
Windu. This elimination of Dooku may also have resulted in an
evaporation of the Sifo-Dyas plot, an element Lucas said would be
explained in Episode III.
By now it was well into November of 2002, with
production scheduled for the next summer, but Lucas was still having
trouble tying together Episode III's still-changing story.
By December he had still not starting scripting--nor even an outline
of the film. (v) However, sometime in January, Lucas finally wrote a
brief, 55-page rough draft that layed out how the film would
unfold. (vi) In this draft, Anakin's turn is slightly
different--his dream of Padme is that she is consumed by flames and
not dying in childbirth, and Anakin's siding with Palpatine is given
an enormous twist in that Palpatine reveals that he is, in fact,
Anakin's father. By June, principle photography had
The turn, as originally written and
filmed, played out in a drastically different manner than what is
seen in the final film. But first, we should first examine the
nature of Anakin's turn itself, hinted at earlier.The original
conception of Anakin's turn was that the darkside was slowly turning
and corrupting his mind, like some kind of drug or virus. Anakin's
massacre of the Tusken Raiders was initially a pivotal point (in
many other ways as well, as we will see later) because it gave him
his first taste of this awesome power, and slowly but surely he
would be drawn back to it. Thus, when Anakin struck down Mace (or
Dooku, in the original conception), it was the consumation of a
journey that began in Episode II. This is why the Emperor was sure
Luke would fall in Return of the Jedi if he killed Vader
out of hate--once you had tasted its power, it would be so
irresistable that you would inevitably be drawn back to it, and
slowly it would consume you, twisting your mind. "If once you start
down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume
you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice," Yoda intones in
Empire Strikes Back. The Emperor had been so consumed
in mind that it had even corrupted his flesh. But just as this
aspect would be revised so too would the pschological aspect--but it
would occur after the movie had been filmed. As Lucas has
also said, most bad people act on good faith, and here Anakin truely
believed in the actions he was taking, that they were ultimately for
a greater good, another aspect to be altered in the final
following is a summation of Anakin's turn as originally written and
filmed: Palpatine
reveals his true identity to Anakin, telling him that the Jedi are
planning to take over the Republic and to accept the Sith and the
darkside. Anakin is conflicted but distrusts the Jedi--his mind is
being influenced by the darkside already and he chooses to stay with
Palpatine, essentially accepting the Sith in this scene. Mace and
the Jedi then enter Palpatine's office--with Anakin present beside
Palpatine. Mace tells Anakin to get behind him but Anakin remains
where he is. When the Jedi ignite their lightsabers to arrest him,
Palpatine uses the Force to retrieve Anakin's lightsaber and the
fight begins. Anakin watches as his two mentors fight, and as
Palpatine is disarmed he unleashes the Force-lightning. Mace and
Palpatine struggle, and Palpatine's face is drained of his visage in
the effort to sustain the lightning. Finally, as the two masters
remain locked in a standstill, Anakin cuts off Mace's hand, and
Palpatine fries him and sends him out the window. Anakin collapses
in disbelief that the Jedi were indeed attempting to take over the
Republic, and Sidious knights him, telling him to go kill the rest
of the Jedi before they retaliate.

This is what appeared in the film when a rough cut was
assembled in 2004. Seeking to gauge the film, Lucas showed this cut
to a number of people, most of whom expressed some concern or
confusion over Anakin's motivation for giving in to the darkside.
"Some people were having a hard time with the reason Anakin
goes bad," Lucas says. "Somebody asked whether somebody could kill
Anakin's best friend, so that he gets really angry. They wanted a
real betrayal, such as 'you tried to kill me now I'm going to kill
you.' They didn't understand that Anakin is simply greedy. There is
no revenge. The revenge of the Sith is Palpatine." (vii) Arguably,
Lucas hadn't clearly developed this element of Anakin's pyschology.
However, while Lucas did not initially instigate as
drastic changes as some suggested, he would soon change his mind
from his first instinct, which was to leave the film as is. While
editing the film down further, Lucas began to realise that the
through-line of the picture was Anakin, and that any scene not
directly related to him be exercised. The removal of these
superfluous scenes unexpectedly began to shift emphasis towards the
character's obsession for Padme, which Lucas then began to actively
re-structure the film around, because, as he says, it seemed
"poetic." Anakin would go to the darkside to save Padme, with his
attempts to prevent her death ultimately killing her, in the vein of
Macbeth. He says:
"The first script I wrote had stories for
everybody...and I cut it down and we had a script. But when we cut
it together, there were still problems. Finally, I said, 'Okay,
let's be even more hard-nosed here and take out every scene that
doesn't have anything to do with Anakin.' But that causes you to
juxtapose certain scenes that you were never contemplating
juxtaposing before. And these scenes take on different qualities
than before, because the scenes were never meant to be next to each
other...What happens then is that some of the themes grab hold of
each other and really strengthen themselves in ways that are
fascinating...so we'll strengthen that theme because it seems
poetic." (viii)
First, a second vision of Padme's death
was inserted. This vision was not scripted but created in the
editing--taking footage from the end of the film (which appears in
the shooting script, ie Obi Wan saying "hold on Padme") and splicing
it into a scene where Anakin sits staring off in thought in Padme's
apartment. This is then a more metaphorical "vision" and not a
literal dream as the first one was. Originally this scene was
preceeded by one in which Obi Wan actually does visit Padme--a scene
prior to that one then had Palpatine planting seeds of jealousy in
Anakin's head. So, you have 1) a scene where Palpatine suggests
Padme is hiding a secret, 2) a scene where Obi Wan secretly meets
with Padme, which is then followed by 3) the scene of Anakin in
Padme's apartment. The scene then plays out in that he shows
paranoia first, then confesses he has been lusting for power, and
then finally says he will find a way to save Padme. Here we see the
original configuration of Anakin's turn in which there are many
causes--we see here Palpatine and the darkside corrupting his mind,
creating paranoia and building within him a thirst for power, and
finally we have it punctuated with a need to save Padme. But with
the elimination of the two preceeding scenes and the insertion of
the waking vision, the scene plays out with a singular focus: saving
Two rounds of pick-up shooting then occured
which actively re-wrote the film to reflect this new arc surrounding
Padme. While in the original film it was just one of many issues
relating to Anakin's fall, here it now became the issue.
Anakin would instead turn to the darkside out of an act of misplaced
love--no longer would he be corrupted by evil, and no longer would
he betray the Jedi; his turn would be linked to a spontaneous
emotional reaction to save Padme.
First, a scene was added in which Anakin
consults with Yoda over his visions. Here Yoda call them
"premonitions"--not only was the single dream reprised with the edit
trick, it was now referred to in the plural long before this,
implying Anakin is regularly tormented by them, enlarging his
obssession with preventing them. Then, the entire "turn" sequence
was re-written.
Here, Anakin would not "turn" to the
darkside; newly shot material has Palpatine swaying Anakin away from
the Jedi and emphasizes the power to save Padme when he reveals his
Sith identity-- however, Anakin would instead reject Palpatine's
offer and stay loyal to the Jedi. He then goes to Mace Windu and
tells him about Palpatine. Windu tells Anakin to wait in the Jedi
council chamber while he takes a squad of Jedi to arrest the
chancellor. As Anakin waits in the chamber, Palpatine's telepathic
thoughts echo to him stating that if the Jedi kill him, Padme will
die. Anakin rises and he and Padme tearfully gaze at each other from
across the city--Anakin knows he must prevent Palpatine from being
killed if he is to save her. He runs to a speeder and arrives just
as it seems Mace has beaten the Dark Lord. Palpatine begs Anakin to
help him as he shoots lightning at Mace, saying he has the power to
save Padme. Finally, Anakin speaks up--"you can't," he tell Mace as
Mace is about to do him in. "I need him!" As Mace's sabre comes
down Anakin intercepts him, cutting off his hand, and Palpatine
sends him out the window. "What have I done!" Anakin exclaims,
collapsing to the ground. "Just help me save Padme's life," he
says, kneeling. "I can't live without her." Sidious
then knights him as Anakin looks away regretfully.
All of this material was added to the
film in the editing phase. Anakin would now accept the darkside
because it (incidentally) contained a power to save his wife. Though
this massive re-write does, however, raise a major curiosity in that
Anakin inexplicitly agrees to kill his extended family, the Jedi,
even when he was loyal to them moments before when he turns
Palpatine over to Mace Windu. Now Anakin was no longer corrupted by
the darkside and no longer believed the Jedi were evil and
attempting a devious plot to take over the Republic. Anakin's
massacre of the Tusken Raiders in Episode II was obviously placed
there to foreshadow this plot point--killing even the women and
children because he believed they deserved it. Now, however, he
didn't believe the Jedi deserved it at all (at this point in the
story, at least). There are still remnants from the original version
of the storyline in the final edit, mostly in the latter stages of
the film. "Twisted by the darkside, young Skywalker has become,"
Yoda says, in reference to the original version where Anakin had
slowly been consumed by it. "The boy you trained, gone is he,
consumed by Darth Vader." Later in the film, Anakin reflects his
original belief that the Jedi were evil traitors--"I should have
known the Jedi were plotting to take over...from my point of view,
the Jedi are evil!" This no longer was valid, especially now that it
was Anakin himself who turns Palpatine over for the Jedi to arrest
and/or kill. It may be argued that, given the enormous manner in
which the film was broken apart, re-written and then stitched back
together--after principle photography--the film could not
be totally re-assembled because it was written under a totally
opposed conception of the plot and character. Lucas had re-written
most of the first half of the film, but May 2005 was drawing closer,
and there was not enough time to coherantly re-align the entire plot
of the film.
Nonetheless, we see here how evanescent
the storyline was--even the very sequence that is arguably the heart
of the entire trilogy. "The only scene I hadn't thought through
enough is the [turn scene]," Lucas says to Sam Jackson and Ian
McDiarmid during the 2004 re-shoots. (ix) Lucas explains his new
conception of the turn to Christensen the next day: "It's basically
Faust in the end," Lucas says. "Where you make a pact with
the devil. And that usually leads to the same end: You cannot change
the inevitable. If you try, you're basically going against the
cosmos or however you want to define that." (x)
The Making of Revenge of the Sith by J.W. Rinzler, 2005, p.
13. (ii)
Rinzler, p.36. (iii)
Rinzler, p.30. (iv)
Rinzler, p. 32. (v)
Rinzler, p. 35-36. (vi)
Rinzler, p. 40. (vii) Rinzler, p. 188. (viii)
Rinzler, p. 176. (ix)
Rinzler, p. 205. (x) Rinzler, p. 206
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