 The Book
 Discussion Board

is it?
From the cover: "Star Wars is one of the most
important cultural phenomena of the Western world. The tale of Luke
Skywalker, Han Solo, and the fall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker
has become modern myth, an epic tragedy of the corruption of a young
man in love into darkness, the rise of evil, and the power of good
triumphing in the end.
But it didn't start out that way.
In this thorough account of one of cinema's most
lasting works, Michael Kaminski presents the true history of how
Star Wars was written, from its beginnings as a science fiction
fairy tale to its development over three decades into the epic we
now know, chronicling the methods, techniques, thought processes,
and struggles of its creator. For this unauthorized account, he has
pored through over four hundred sources, from interviews to original
scripts, to track how the most powerful modern epic in the world was
created, expanded, and finalized into the tale an entire generation
has grown up with."
you care about Star Wars, history, cultural heritage, and film
preservation: help Save
Star Wars
06/21/11: New article
up, this one a study
of Yoda's speaking patterns across the six films. It's an interesting study
made in collaboration with a real linguist, a little lighter than
some of the fare around here. If all goes well I'll have
another article up by the end of the
12/16/10: I'm not dead! Luckily traffic to this site
hasn't pettered off with my non-existant presence the last six
months or so. Real life has kept me pretty busy, and to be honest I
think I needed a bit of a break from this site, as it is often a lot
of work to maintain with all the other things I have going on. Fear
not though, for I do have a number of articles either in the works
or in various stages of completion. I should also mention that
select chapters of Secret History of Star Wars, both the
book and the articles on this website, were included in the course
reader for a Star Wars related course taught this year by professor
Douglas Brode at Syracuse University in the United States. Which is
pretty cool, and it's also neat to see the franchise studied at
universities; sounds like a fun way to earn
I'm sure by now you have heard about the passing of
Irvin Kershner, which saddens me greatly. He was a terrific, warm
human being who had a passion and energy that never faded even when
he was in his 80s. He's also a hell of an underrated director. I was
building a lengthy work about him since 2008, but I never could get
ahold of him personally, and in his last year he was often
unavailable due to health problems; one of the biggest regrets of my
life is that I never got the chance to chat with him. People know
him for his last few years making so-so Hollywood films (Never Say
Never Again and Robocop 2), but he had a really interesting career
in the three decades prior. I would recommend checking out Flim Flam
Man, The Luck of Ginger Coffey, Hoodlum Priest or if you can find it
my favourite work of his (other than Empire), Raid on Entebbe.
Loving, Eyes of Laura Mars and Return of a Man Called Horse are
often considered to be good examples of his films as well. Rest in
peace, Kersh. Let's hope Lucas doesn't dick around with your
greatest work of cinema too much (more, that
While I am here I should wish you all a merry
Christmas, or if you don't celebrate Christmas then "[insert
religious or secular holiday here]", and I hope each and every one
of you has a fantastic new year. 2010 was not a particularly kind
year to me, but I can tell 2011 is going to awesome for all of us.
Thanks for coming back to the site and I'll see you all real soon.
There are a lot of really interesting things I want to share. Be
sure to also continue to poke around in Save Star Wars, and it would be really helpful if you guys could help
spread the word on that one, as this site wouldn't be here in the
first place if those films hadn't originally existed, and I dunno
about you but I think they are worth
Hello all! Hope you had a good summer. You may have noticed I have
been a bit absent this season. This is because for the last month
and a half I have been hard at work on a sister site. As you know,
George Lucas has suppressed (and neglected) the historic and
ground-breaking original versions of the Star Wars trilogy. Maybe
this is just a brilliant marketing bluff, but if Lucas' own words
are any indication, he would like people to forget the originals
ever even existed and he's been making decent progress in this goal.
For all my respect for the man, this really is a disturbing thing,
and something that I think has gone on long enough. It basically is
the most important issue in the modern era of cinematic (not to
mention pop cultural) preservation. So, to educate on the subject I
created savestarwars.com. It's
not a giant bitch-piece about how George Lucas is the devil though.
Instead, I intend for it to educate on the processes involved in
cinematic preservation and film materials, the legal issues
surrounding motion picture preservation, as well as the history of
the original Star Wars films' picture and audio, but most
importantly of all to highlight the travesty that has befallen the
Star Wars films. I like to think of it as a sort of website version
of originaltrilogy.com
(which is merely a petition and forum). So, while you restlessly
wait for more material from this site, there are pages worth of
material that I am glad I wrote. So, take a look at Save Star Wars Dot Com. See you
again soon!
While I continue to work on Brackett's draft, I thought it might be
fun to post another Empire-related article today. A guy by
the handle of ABM posted at TF.N how Luke's amputation doesn't
actually occur in any early draft of Empire Strikes Back,
and I thought it would be a good springboard for an examination of
this. Read on to The
Origins of Luke's Severed Hand. Also, I'm not a big fan of
conventions, but I think the fact that there will be an hour-long
interview between Jon Stewart and George Lucas will make Celebration
V a really interesting one; their brief chat on the Daily
Show earlier this year was priceless!
Well, Empire Strikes Back turned 30 this week. Ever since
the 1990s this has been considered the best of the series, and
growing up with the films it certainly was always a toss-up between
this and Star Wars--still is! Hats off to Irvin Kershner,
who is still with us and closing in on 90 years old, for crafting
such a beautiful, complex film. It's too bad that the original
version is not available in high quality to celebrate the occassion.
Or...is it? Remember the guy who did A New Hope Revisited?
Well, he released a theatrical re-construction of
Empire last week, that uses a color-corrected 2004 master
with the original footage re-composited in to terrific effect. It's
a real technical masterpiece. If you want to enjoy the original
Empire--go see if you can find it. And yeah, I said I would
have that article on the Leigh Brackett draft. I don't. It's in the
process of being written, but it won't be available for at least
another week. In the meantime, I was interviewed by Ars
Technica last week on the original 35mm sources for Star
Wars, which might interest some--basically a scaled-down
version of the article I already wrote on the subject. And for those
wondering what I actually look like, there's a photo of me on the People Versus George
Lucas blog from the Toronto premiere. Back
So, I don't know if anyone heard, but Leigh Brackett's first draft
of Empire Strikes Back has been circulating on the internet for
about a month now. This is an even bigger leak than the Raiders
story conference transcript last year (probably also snuck out of
the LFL office due to work on the related behind the scenes book;
Empire's is coming out later this year). Expect a really detailed
article in time for the film's 30th anniversary examining everything
you ever wanted to know about her until-now mysterious first draft.
Also, I had the great pleasure of attending the Canadian premiere of
The People Versus
George Lucas at the Hot Docs international film festival here in
Toronto, and I have to say--it's a hilarious and entertaining film
that had the whole theatre in uproarious laughter. I wish I could
have seen it again! I spent a couple nights hanging out with
Alexandre and Robert, director and producer of the film, great guys
who really poured their heart into the film and it shows. It's the
sort of film that can only come from a place of
genuine love of its subject matter. I was flattered that they
gave me a little introduction before the audience at the
premiere, and I'm also incredibly grateful that such a high
profile production sheds light on the fact that the original
theatrical versions of the original trilogy have been
suppressed, and the utter disregard for historical
preservation this exemplifies (not to mention the personal
issues of not giving fans their preferred cut of the film). Anyway,
PvG is a really interesting and funny film, and I would encourage
people to give it a watch if they can. See you later this month to
celebrate 30 years of Empire!
Few small things. First, I added a new article back in
January--new evidence of the stories of Lucas' "lost" trilogy. No,
not episodes 7-9--episodes 10-12! Intrigued? Read Lost
Star Wars Stories for the scoop. A few heads-ups as well. First,
of the Beast has been re-written and updated quite a bit, if you
haven't read it (it's consisently one of the more popular pieces on
the site). Second, you may have heard of a documentary called The People Versus George
Lucas. It's been getting some very good press lately, was
featured on Wired a few weeks ago. It looks to be a very
interesting and humorous look at the contradiction of George Lucas'
place as both friend and foe to his fans, and has interviews from
some majors as Gary Kurtz and David Prowse. Author Dale Pollock is
in it, and the director has been trying to work me in it for about a
year now, but it looks like I will only have time in a later edit if
at all. The film will be screening at various film festivals, and
opened at South by Southwest Festival in March (in Austin), and will
be playing Hot Docs in Toronto in May. For those in the area, it
will be screening at the wonderful Bloor cinema on May1st and 4th (I
saw 2001: A Space Oddyse there last night) and Innis
Town Hall (where I currently work!) at U of T on May 3rd.
There is a chance of having a panel discussion, and I will
be onboard if this happens. Also noteworthy, I should
mention that Michael Heileman at Binary Bonsai has been not only
promoting me for quite some time now, but he's done some impressive
Star Wars sleuthing himself, and I never post it. His site is mainly
tech-oriented, but he managed to find a copy of the
super-rare George
Lucas: Maker of Films (1971), the earliest feature piece on
Lucas, and incredibly insightful into a young avant-garde filmmaker
no one heard of back then. Heileman's Star Wars links
are always very interesting and rare, whether its super-8 footage
from ILM from 1976, or his own personal trip to Skywalker Ranch. Take a
Marcia Lucas e-mailed me a week or two ago with a handful of minor
corrections to my article on her. Above all else, it seems George
Lucas' "Mr Mom" status that he speaks of, and gets written about in
books and other media, is not entirely accurate; other books state
that Marcia outright left her daughter. Marcia told me that in fact
she had a 50% time-share of Amanda Lucas, and was fully
involved in her life and upbringing. Marcia also apparently kept the
name Lucas, both because of her daughter and because she was proud
of her work as an editor with that name. Finally, she confided in me
that while she had feelings for Tom Rodrigues, she never had a
physical affair with him. I hope Marcia can offer me some further
clarification on a few things in her life, but for now I have done a
brief update of her
Todays update is a huge one. Since about 2005, I have been
conducting a study on reception and reviews of the original trilogy
during the time of their original release from 1977-1983. I am now
(sort of) finally finished. In
Part I I lay out my methods, aims and present the raw data. Part
II is the juicy one, where I interpret and analyze my findings,
provide context and greater detail, track the films into the
post-release period and compare them against the prequels.
Happy new year to everyone! First, I did a tiny update on the
previous article, thanks to my girlfriend Ioana, who has always
edited all of my work and has always been my biggest source of
encouragment and inspiration, plus an addition from longtime-reader
Bernd Doetzer, who informed me that "Aldeberan" is actually a
real-life star. More importantly though, I have a tremendously
lengthy article (it has its own page of end notes) on the life and
career of Marcia Lucas (nee Griffin). She was Lucas' wife until
1983, but more importantly was a central figure in his early cinema,
edited most of his films, and was a key minor player in the New
Hollywood movement of the 1970s. And, she's essentially been
forgotten. Lucasfilm, in fact, has been making a conscious effort to
basically write out her existance (I wonder why). On the web, there
are only a handful of factoids about her (at best), and in books she
is rarely treated as a film craftswoman in her own right. I felt the
piece I was writing, which I have been working on since the summer,
was so big that it ought to be a small book, but as I had to rely so
heavily on previous publications, there really wasn't anything
original, other than meticulous detective work on my part; I
attempted to contact her to collaborate on the piece, and got kinda
close, but it seems she is either unreachable or uninterested. I
tracked down a bunch of images of her as well (since Lucasfilm
rarely publishes her, if at all) to try to give some life to her
person, which is admittedly limited in information. Anyway, read
on to In
Tribute to Marcia Griffin.
Christmas left me a bit busy (catching up on work, coming home to
family, getting Christmas food, girlfriend coming in from
Ottawa) so I am a few days late with the latest article, which is
now up. I hope everyone had a great Christmas break, and since I
probably won't be updating again in the next few days, I'll see you
all in 2010! Until then, you can read today's article, which
looks at Historical
Place-Names in Star Wars. Not terribly exciting, but fun
for the trivia lovers out there. And, if I can put my salesman cap
on for just a second, Secret History of Star Wars is still
in price in case anyone has any leftover holiday cash
:p . Other than that, I hope everyone that is reading this
had a wonderful year!
A heads up today: Originaltrilogy.com has
a new petition to try to save the original theatrical edition of
the Star Wars trilogy. If you remember, the site previously had
gathered 70,000 signatures from its first petition, which was enough
to get George Lucas to do a sort-of release of the films in 2006.
Unfortunately, that release was a non-anamorphic transfer of the
shoddy, 15-year-old Laserdisk, and was presented as a bonus feature.
The new petition urges the films to be treated properly, in new
high-def transfers for any upcoming Blu Ray releases. This is
probably the most important issue facing the franchise today, so
please, add your
signature and let Lucasfilm know that film lovers are not okay
with the originals versions being resigned to VHS and Laserdisk
copies. In other news, I will have a small article before Christmas,
and I am coming close to completing a detailed study on the critical
reception of the films at the time of their release, which I have
been working on for a few years now. Also, Secret History of
Star Wars has been reduced
in price in time for the holidays, so for those that are
interested in getting it for yourself or someone else, now is a
great time.
After a long break, I found time to do another article. Today's
isn't so much related to the script or storytelling aspect as most
of the focus of this site is, but nonetheless it is one that is
among the most important--and, it seems, least understood--aspects
of the film's identity: its physicality as a medium. It's also an
aspect that, as a former camera technician and proponent of film
history, is paramount on my list of priorities and which it once
again seems that I'm the only one who has been able to synthesize
the larger picture on. Today's piece takes a look at the restoration
process of the original film: how the negative was restored, what
parts of it remain, and how it was that the Special Edition was
created. Read on to Saving
Star Wars.
Although I planned to do a three-part examination of the Indiana
Jones series, I'm afraid I have to put things on hold for the
moment. Real life has made finding time for such a drastic
undertaking a bit too much right now, though I hope to have
something else for the site written in the not too far off future.
While I'm here though, I wanted to just take the time to thank each
and every person who bought a copy of Secret History of Star
Wars. People's enthusiasm for the project has always inspired
me to continue to pursue the matter, and though I hardly make any
money at all out of it, the few bucks I do make goes a long way to
helping me pay my school tuition and I'm grateful for that.
I thought this would be a very fun bonus for the site. Having
written over half a million words on the subject of the Star Wars
scripting/creative process, I thought it might be interesting to try
something else--like maybe Indiana Jones. Today's update is the
first of three which will examine the genesis and writing of the
Indiana Jones series, and probably the most interesting of all of
them--an in-depth look at the
Raiders of the Lost Ark Story Conferences , based on the
138-page transcript of the week-long pow-wow between George Lucas,
Steven Spielberg and Lawrence Kasdan. Witness history in the
The promised update didn't quite materialise due to research issues
related to the main piece that are a bit too complex to get into
right now. In spite of this, there is an article on writers
of the Star Wars Saga beyond George Lucas, an element often not
considered, as well as a brief interview
excerpt with Leigh Brackett . Enjoy!
Today's update is a new website feature--a discussion board. I'm not sure
how well this will work out, so right now it is sort of
experimental. The board can be found here , so feel free to register
(though you can also use it if you are not registered). My hope is
that the board can be a place to discuss topics relevant to this
site, and also as a source of feedback if anyone has any comments
and questions concerning the site and/or book itself. Much of the
research and speculation relating to this site thrives on
discussion, debate, and shared research, and I hope that the board
can become a place of intelligent and interesting exchanges to call
our own. Check back on this page next week for one of the bigger
articles I have ever written.
Better late than never. Work has left me, well, overworked and
things have gotten blocked up. But the article I intended to post
last week is yours to read, at least. Celebrate ten years of The
Phantom Menace by examining how the film, the prequels, and the
six-episode epic of the Star Wars Saga is structured, and how the
times which produced the films dictated this structure, for both
good and bad. Read on to Structuring
the Prequels: Sequel Construction in Historical Context .
I found this
link while surfing today and thought I'd pass it on, since it's
related to the content of this site: a quick--and biting--look at
the first draft of Star Wars. I thought it was an interesting take
on demonstrating why Lucas kept re-writing it. While on Star Wars
anniversary material, I probably should have left a reminder
yesterday to take a read if you haven't at Star
Wars Memories for a nostalgic, and I think fairly enlightening
for those of us who weren't around to appreciate it, trip back in
time to 1977.
Star Wars is officially 32 years old, so celebrate and such. My
articles I wanted to put up last weekend will have to wait until
this weekend, unfortunately. Six-day, 60-hour work weeks tend to
suck the life out of one's hobbies. To make up for it I have a random
Star Wars video that may puzzle and amuse you. See you in a
few days...
Has it really been a decade of prequels? It appears so. Today marks
the day when eager anticipation turned into...well, complications,
to say the least. Being a Star Wars fan seemed so much simpler back
in the pre-prequel days. Strangely, I celebrated the day by seeing
the Star Trek prequel-reboot, which, sadly or
proudly, outshines just about everything I've seen with the
Star Wars name attached to it in the last decade. Hats off to J.J.
Abrams for a stellarly-crafted space opera. Yes, Star Wars fans, sue
me. But speaking of Episode I, I will indeed be taking another look
at it this week, in an article that I hope to have up before Friday.
In the meantime, there is a
piece I wrote a few months ago examining why Episode I isn't
actually rated as badly as its reputation as a cinematic
embarrasment may indicate yet still legitimately did not garner good
reviews (in contrast to some who apologetically argue that it was
well-recieved). The film certainly has a strange dual nature to it.
It does to me as well--personally, I find it lousy as the first
episode of the Star Wars Saga, yet I have quite a lot of adoration
for it as an utterly unique children's fantasy picture, made with
high imagination and genuine conviction. But as for its place as a
Star Wars film--you'll have to check back in a few days for an
interesting analysis of the mechanics of how the film was
constructed as a dual-purpose storytelling chapter.
In light of the lack of updates recently, I should tell you that
I've been working on three really big articles. One of them will be
out in two or three weeks to mark the tenth anniversary of Episode
I, so check back. In sort-of related news--how many of you heard
that the story meeting transcript for Raiders of the Lost
Ark was leaked to the internet? Well, it was, and its a very,
very interesting read. You can see how clearly and intelligently
Lucas approached the character back then (you can also see how
much Crystal Skull deviates from the original approach). I
might do a piece on it in the future but this
guy already said a lot of the same things (give his article a
read--you can even download the transcript from there). Now if only
the Empire transcript was leaked instead...
Probably should have mentioned this earlier, but Secret History
of Star Wars is now a university textbook. Allan Swords, who
teaches at Clemson University in South Carolina, has been using it
in his first-year introductory English class there, which began in
January. The library at Clemson University recently added me to
their author's database, so I suppose this means that Secret
History is also available there for anyone at Clemson that
wants to check it out.
Web site
and all contents Copyright Michael Kaminski 2007-2009, All rights
Wars, the Star Wars logo, all names and pictures of Star Wars
characters, vehicles and any other Star Wars related items are
registered trademarks and/or copyrights of Lucasfilm Ltd., or their
respective trademark and copyright holders.
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