 The Book

Origins of Luke's Severed Hand
Note: credit must be given to ABM,
who provided many of the original findings for
Ever wonder where this iconic moment
first entered the picture? Luke and Darth's confrontation on Bespin
was in place from the earliest incarnation of the storyline--it even
appears in Splinter of the Mind's Eye, transposed in a
different environment and plot, of course--but it is deceiving how
late in the game the actual mutilation of Luke seems to have been
added to the storyline. In Splinter, ironically, it was
Vader who gets his arm dismembered.
Annotated Screenplays describes the
earliest version of the confrontation in Lucas' 1977 story treatment
as: "Luke get's trapped on a narrow ledge and Vader tries to win him
over to the dark side. Vader wants Luke to use his anger to fight,
knowing that if he gets angry enough, he'll give in. Finally, Vader
tries to kill Luke, but Luke jumps off the ledge." (p. 217) Here
Luke escapes apparently unscathed. Leigh Brackett modified the
scene heavily for her draft, crafting a surreal scene with Vader and
Luke floating amid the planets and stars, but the symbolism fades
away and the scene ends similar to Lucas'
Luke turns bakc[sic] to the fight
to see that Vader is rushing at him to deal the death-stroke.
Valiantly Luke lifts his saber to parry; then as Vader's blade comes
streaking down, Luke deactivates his sabre and darts aside. Thrown
momentarily off balance because the unexpected ruse and the lack of
opposition to his blade, Vader is overbalanced. Luke leaps aside and
over the railing into the shaft.
As Annotated Screenplays states:
"Vader cutting Luke's arm first appeared in the second draft." (p.
217) This was the draft Lucas wrote himself following Brackett's
first screenplay, notable for also introducing "I am your father" to
the scene's climax, a real double-blow to Luke. Note here, however,
that it doesn't say anything about severing Luke's hand--only that
Luke's arm get's cut. This is what appears in virtually every piece
of artwork created for the film.
The Annotated Screenplays (p. 226)
describes the second draft ending on the bridge of a Rebel star
cruiser with Luke and Leia resolving their love triangle as Lando
greets generals and commanders to search for Han; there is no scene
of medical rehabilitation, like in the film, where he receives a
prosthetic hand. The revised second draft now has a medical
aid for Luke, however. Bouzereau (p. 226) quotes the script:
Luke's lower left arm is
exposed, revealing metal struts and electronic circuits similar to
Still no
artificial hand, although his arm has clearly been badly damaged and
requires a cybernetic brace or cast of some
These second drafts are dated as April, 1978,
which is the same date as Lucas' third draft (which I assume must be
nearly identical as well). Most of the production paintings were
done throughout mid-1978 from what I can tell, based off the later
drafts. The particular one presented below seems to be
depicting at least the Lucas drafts, since the scene of Luke hanging
from the vane in a state of semi-consciousness does not appear until
his drafts. You can see Luke has both his hands--but his dangling
arm has been lacerated near the shoulder (it even appears to be
bleeding, not very visible in the scan).

A document purporting to be the fourth draft,
which would be Kasdan's first pass, has a similar turn of events to
the previous ones:
Luke slashes at Vader again, renewing the fight. Luke's
sword whistles past Vader and the young warrior is thrown off
balance, his guard down. Vader's light saber flashes out with deadly
skill and cuts Luke, almost forcing him over the edge. He can barely
stand. He wipes the tears from his eyes, but still can barely focus
on his massive opponent.
The document's final scene ends in a similar
fashion to the revised second draft, but no mention of Luke's
brace; his wound seems less severe and he seems to have recovered.
The scene of Leia applying a tourniquet on Luke in the
Falcon does not yet exist, either. Instead, Luke simply joins them
in the cockpit.
The production painting below is even more

The scene of Luke recovering in the operating
bay of a medical ship does not appear in the second drafts, but
Annotated Screenplays does not describe the endings for the
subsequent drafts. Since the third draft was written in the same
month as the second drafts, I presume it must be similar. And the
fourth draft too, if the circulating screenplay is
genuine, which it certainly appears to be, has no medical bay
scene with Luke being healed, indicating that this scene was added
after it was written--yet the painting above shows Luke
with the familiar arm wound. Which means that even beyond the fourth
draft Luke still did not receive amputation to his
Here are the storyboards for the sequence as
designed by Kershner, printed in The Best of the Lucasfilm
Archives (p.73). Since drafts change scene configurations
around, storyboards often are only done in later stages of script
development. Checking the dialogue and scene layout against the
fourth draft document, there are some discrepancies, but this is
clearly not the second/third either. Which means this was probably
done for either the revised fourth draft or the fifth--and
final--draft, probably as it was in-progress.
Here, Vader seems to have glanced a blow along
Luke's wrist or forearm area. But check the scene description: "Luke
attacks again but is cut. He reels back in shock and pain." No
mention of the hand being severed--only what is in every other
draft, which is that he is cut. And the hand is not visually cut off
either; furthermore, in the reaction shot, he is holding his upper
arm still, as per the production paintings. The painting below,
furthermore, seems to be depicting, like the storyboards, a version
of the finale beyond the fourth draft, probably made during the
cultivation of the shooting script, yet both hands are still

So, if not by the fourth draft of October 1978,
then just when was the severed hand put in place? Not until the very
last draft, as far as I can tell. The production painting scene of
Luke being tended to in the medical bay does not appear in the
fourth draft script--which means this painting was produced during
the period between October, 1978 and February, 1979, when the fifth
draft was being written. Yet even here he still has his hand,
meaning the dismemberment was added very, very late, further backed
up by the painting above. Seeking to increase the severity of Luke's
injuries to up the dramatic ante, Kershner, Lucas and Kasdan first
added the medical bay rehabilitation and then took this newly
developed scene one step further by outright mutilating Luke.
The first actual evidence of Luke's severed hand does not occur
until February 19th, 1979: one day before the final shooting script
was typed up. The evidence comes from Annotated Screenplays
(p.225), which says that Kershner wrote Lucas a letter
that day with a last-minute note for the final medical bay scene
that had been developed. The letter said: "Whenever I see an amputee, and I am sure most
people feel this way, they wonder how it is not to have any feel,
any sensitivity in the fingertips." Annotated Screenplays
further explains that Kershner wanted the audience to know Luke
could feel with his artificial hand. "That way," Kershner says in
the book, "even though he has a mechanical hand, when he puts his
arm around Leia, it isn't creepy." (p.225) The prosthetic limb idea
was one Lucas had used in early drafts of Star Wars, where
Kane Starkiller and Ben Kenobi carried mechanical forearms from
battle injuries.
So, there it is. First evidence of Luke as an
amputee: one day before the shooting script was officially typed up.
And apparently, it was a relatively new idea.
The scene as described by the officially
released screenplay:
Then Vader's sword comes down across Luke's right
forearm, cutting off his hand and sending his sword flying. In great
pain, Luke squeezes his forearm under his left armpit and moves back
along the gantry to its extreme end.
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