 The Book

Beyond George Lucas: Writers of the Star Wars Saga
Star Wars is the brainchild of a single man, no doubt. Yet
the influences of a handful of other people are continuously
underestimated. Even the original film--often considered one of the
"purest" examples of the series for the way Lucas almost
single-handedly spearheaded it into existence--can arguably have its
screenplay attributed directly to many other individuals; in fact,
this film may be among the most collaborative of them all. Its
immediate two sequels, of course, were shaped enormously by Lawrence
Kasdan, in addition to a brief writing stint by Leigh Brackett. And,
let us not forget, four more individuals participated in those two
films' story conferences: Irvin Kershner, Gary Kurtz, Richard
Marquand and Howard Kazanjian. Even on the prequels, we can still
look to Jonathan Hales' brief role as the polisher of the
much-maligned Attack of the
Clones. In this piece we will be examining the lives and
influences of these individuals.
The Movie Brats,
The USC Circle and the San Fransisco Indies
Three interrelated groups of people; the first, the
so-called Movie Brats, refers to a select circle of young directors
in the late 70s who grew up weaned on the films of generations
past--supposedly the first generation of American filmmakers who
engaged in this sort of post-modern cultural self-referencing. These
filmmakers came from all corners of the country, yet like many art
movements, somehow they all invariably became a circle of mutual
collaborators. These include--in addition to George Lucas--Steven
Spielberg, Brian DePalma, and Martin Scorsese. Second, the USC
bunch--the mid to late 60s saw an unusual amount of USC grads who
would come to have enormous influence in Hollywood in the decades to
come, most of them having come from the same classes and nearly all
of them constituting a mutual social circle. These include John
Milius, Walter Murch, Willard Huyck, Hal Barwood and Matthew
Robbins (in addition to others such as Howard Kazanjian). The third
group overlaps with the USC crowd--the San Francisco independents,
many of whom were members of American Zoetrope when it was founded
in 1970. These include Carole Ballard, Phillip Kaufman, and of
course their ringleader, Francis Ford Coppola (who was a student at
UCLA), in addition to the USC grads that were part of this
What do all these people have to do with Star Wars ? When Lucas first
started making films, he would attempt to script them himself--when
this inevitably failed due to his lack of capabilities as a
screenwriter, he would turn to others to write his scripts for him.
Oliver Hailey did a draft of THX when Lucas' own draft
turned out unsatisfactory, and Richard Walter did a draft of American Graffiti when
Lucas' own draft turned out unsatisfactory. In both cases, the
screenplay that the hired writer did was purportedly worse than the
version Lucas did himself, due to Lucas being unable to properly
articulate how he envisioned the films. "Star Wars was a
little bit different," he told Starlog in 1981, "because by
that time I'd decided that it was useless to try to get someone else
to write my screenplays...I finally gave up!" Having learned his
lesson, Lucas found a new approach: he would have co-writers only in
the indirect sense, where he would have others give input into the
storytelling approach, but then write the script himself so he could
act as the filter and integrate the suggestions in a manner that
suited his own tastes.
In this, all of the above mentioned people had a hand
in indirectly scripting Star
Wars to varying degrees. Lucas would bring them his latest
draft, and listen to their suggestions; they would recommend what
they thought the story needed, where things were boring or
confusing, which characters worked and which characters didn't work
and where the screenplay needed to be improved. This was a
fundamental part of the Star
Wars scripting process, as shown in Secret History of Star Wars
and my article Nature
of the Beast , and should not be underestimated.
Willard Huyck and Gloria
Lucas was friends with Willard Huyck during film
school, which also brought him into contact with Willard's
then-girlfriend. Willard Huyck and Gloria Katz, who eventually
married, were a pair of writers that Lucas has often relied upon in
his career, capable of crafting warm and human characters and
playful dialog above all else. The two of them developed the
treatment to American
Graffiti with Lucas, with the Huycks poised to write the script
as well--due to circumstance, Lucas had to write the script himself,
but the Huycks were luckily able to re-write the final draft to give
the film its snappy dialog. "The scenes are mine, the dialog is
theirs," Lucas has said. While writing Star Wars, the Huycks were
among the many friends Lucas relied upon for feedback, and being
professional writers and old friends of his, their opinions may have
been among the most precious. When Lucas traveled to Los
Angeles--probably for meetings with Fox--he was sure to stop off at
their place and have them read his script. "We'd say, 'George, this
character doesn't work,' " Willard remembers, "and George would go
'Uh-huh' and make a note, and then fly home." But the Huycks take a
special category--they did an uncredited re-write of the final
script, similar to Graffiti. When Lucas had
done his fourth draft in preparation for shooting, he requested that
the Huycks go through and improve the dialog, make it snappier and
funnier. About 15% of the dialog is estimated as belonging to them.
They later also visited Lucas in England during shooting (possibly
influencing the script further--Lucas was re-writing it throughout
the first half of the production). Fox was already nervous about the
film and Lucas didn't want them to know he was having others
re-write it so he swore the Huycks to uncredited
Where are they now? They both later wrote the script
to Indiana Jones and the
Temple of Doom; Willard Huyck was lucky enough to find himself
in the directors chair a few years later, for another George Lucas
project--Howard the Duck!
After the notorious film bombed he apparently ended his career,
though he has a credit listed for a television production due in
Empire Strikes
Back and Return of the
Of all the individuals who have written for the
series, none is more debated than the contributions Leigh Brackett
made. Indeed, it is very difficult to ascertain her influence on the
final film, and she--yes, you wouldn't be the first to assume she is
a man--remains a bit of an enigma in Star Wars history. As a bit of
background, Brackett had originally been a science fiction author in
the 1940s. She wrote dozens of novels and short stories, her most
famous works being her "Eric John Stark" series, similar to Edgar
Rice Burrough's John Carter and Tarzan characters. Her earliest
stories were crude by most standards, but as she became more
comfortable in her craft she began to explore more ambitious tales,
often noted for their strong imagination and sense of adventure.
Most of her stories--often published in serialised magazines such as
Planet Stories--were of
the space opera genre, or else had a romantic and fantastic twist to
them, but her most famous is the novel The Long Tomorrow , from
1955, about a simple, technophobic society that arises from the
ashes of a devastating nuclear war (ironically being
uncharacteristic of her usual style and subject matter). She has
often been compared to Edgar Rice Burroughs. Brackett also wrote a
number of non-sci-fi stories, showing her versatility as a
writer--in fact, her hardboiled crime stories were what attracted
Howard Hawks to hire her for The Big Sleep, the classic
film noir based on Raymond Chandler's novel. Roger Ebert wrote,
“Working from Chandler's original words and adding spins of their
own, the writers (William Faulkner, Jules Furthman and Leigh
Brackett) wrote one of the most quotable of screenplays: It's
unusual to find yourself laughing in a movie not because something
is funny but because it's so wickedly clever."
Her stories have also been noted for their sharply
drawn characters with tight dialog. This should not be surprising:
in addition to being a sci-fi author, she was also a professional
screenwriter from Hollywood's golden era, and co-wrote the witty
character dramas of Howards Hawks Rio Bravo (Quinten
Tarrantino's favourite film), El Dorado, and The Big Sleep , for which
she shares credit with Nobel Prize winning novelist William
Faulkner. Her signiture banter was among one of the models the
Huycks used for their snappy Graffiti
dialog. Brackett's role for Hawks was slightly
versatile--for instance, while writing Big Sleep , Faulkner
would do one scene and she would do another scene, alternating, and
it has been said that Hawkes would often hand off to her scenes to
do or polish, often from the set, since he enjoyed improvising, in
effect making her contributions episodic in nature. Because
interviews with her are so rare, I have included a few excepts from
one of the last interviews she gave, right before she was hired for
Star Wars II; it can be viewed here
Brackett returned to writing sci-fi pulp, and married
Edmond Hamilton, himself a noted science fiction author. By 1977,
the aging Brackett was retired and living in Los Angeles, and would
be dead from cancer in only a few short months; her husband had
himself passed away earlier that year. According to John Baxter's Mythmaker, she was brought
to Lucas' attention by a friend, who put a paperback in Lucas' hand
and said "here is someone who did the Cantina scene better than you
did." It is not known if Lucas was actually familiar with her sci-fi
work. Lucas was on the lookout for a writer for Star Wars II, so he
got in contact with Brackett. Baxter describes their telephone
conversation as follows:
Lucas: Have you ever written for the
Brackett: Yes, I have. Rio Bravo, El
Dorado, The Big Sleep, The Long Goodbye...
Lucas: Are you that Leigh
Brackett: Yes. Isn't that why you called me
Lucas: No, I called you in because you were a pulp
science fiction writer!
Lucas was looking for more than just a pair of hands
for the typewriter, however--he was looking for a genuine partner
for the franchise. Lucas at that point envisioned the series as a
franchise that could continue for an indefinite amount of chapters,
and saw himself as only a minor player in the storyline
construction, which would be steered by other writers and directors
who could have fun playing in the world Lucas had created. When he
hired Leigh Brackett they began by holding story conferences for a
week. Lucas, in fact, had only vague ideas for Star Wars II and the
future episodes, and during that week of brainstorming together,
Brackett not only helped come up with the basic backbone to Empire Strikes Back but also
gave input for future plot points in the series. Here we get into
some controversy, as it is at present not entirely clear which ideas
should be attributed to Brackett--the entire story conference
sessions were, in fact, tape recorded and transcribed, but they have
not been published nor excerpted (one hopes that Rinzler's upcoming
Making of Empire Strikes
Back includes clarification here). One of the more interesting
bits is that Brackett's screenplay includes such unconventional
elements as the ghost of Luke's father appearing to Luke to induct
him in the Jedi ways. Brackett's draft is also the only one that
includes the plot point of Luke having a twin sister who is training
to be a Jedi on the other side of the galaxy--this point having been
developed in the story conferences (again, it's unclear if this
should be taken as a Lucas idea that Brackett integrated or an idea
Brackett came up with herself during the conferences--more likely,
it was a back and forth development).
Brackett wrote her draft in the new year of 1978, with
the plan, according to Gary Kurtz, being that she would do two
drafts and then a polish. Her only completed writing was a
handwritten first draft, with "Star Wars sequel" scrawled in pencil
on the first page. She was hospitalised just as this draft was being
typed up for Lucas to read. When he called her to discuss the
script, he found out she was in the hospital; not long after she
passed away. Lucas has said that he was unhappy with her draft--it
sticks faithfully to Lucas' treatment, which he wrote following the
story conferences, and is pretty similar to the final film in terms
of plot, but supposedly the screenplay's character and tone was
different, and this is perhaps where Lucas found fault with it. It
is hard to detect any influence on the final film--Lawrence Kasdan
has said that nothing of it survives. Lucas basically re-wrote the
script himself from scratch--basing his draft off his own
treatment--and so this seems likely; Kasdan then based his own
drafts off of Lucas' re-start, making Brackett's work in effect an
evolutionary dead-end.
Brackett, however, remains credited for Empire's screenplay--a move
that supposedly was made out of generosity so that her estate would
receive royalties from the film. It has probably immortalised her
name more than all her novels ever did. But even if her screenplay
itself did not influence the final film, fans should be indebted to
her for helping Lucas come up with the plot to Empire and also giving him
ideas for future episodes in the story conferences. Brackett
specialist Jerry Weis has once said: "Jedi Master Yoda is pure
For further reading on Brackett, I might recommend
Bertil Faulk's informative and swift overview of her work, available
While Lucas gets kudos for Star Wars, the brilliance
of Empire Strikes Back
owes a debt of gratitude to Lawrence Kasdan, who wrote both Empire and Jedi and also gave us the
magnificent screenplay to Raiders of the Lost Ark, one
of the smartest and most charming genre homages ever written. Kasdan
had an unlikely career. Born in 1949, Kasdan graduated from the
University of Michigan with an MA in education--planning on becoming
a teacher. However, unable to find work, he eventually took a job as
an advertising copywriter, a career he stuck with for five years,
much to his dismay. On the side he pursued his hobby of
screenwriting--his script, Continental Divide , had the
luck of reaching the hands of Steven Spielberg. Spielberg realised
what a brilliant writer the young Kasdan was, and kept his eye on
him. When Spielberg joined George and Marcia Lucas in Hawaii in May
of 1977, Lucas made him an offer to direct the "Indiana Smith"
adventure movie that he and Phillip Kaufman had brainstormed in
1975. Spielberg agreed and immediately brought young Kasdan onboard.
In early 1978, just as Brackett was off somewhere writing Empire Strikes Back,
Spielberg, Lucas and Kasdan began having story conferences for Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Kasdan then went off on his own for a number of months and returned
with the brilliant first draft of Raiders. When he met Lucas
to hand over the draft, Lucas made him an offer to take over the
writing duties of Empire, since Brackett had recently died.
In all honesty, this was a matter of convenience--it was mid-1978
already and Lucas didn't have any other writers available. Kasdan
asked Lucas "what if you read Raiders and hate it?" to
which Lucas replied he would withdraw the offer--but Raiders was more than Lucas
asked for and he was hired immediately.
Kasdan, like Brackett, was not just a Lucasfilm
employee hired to type out Lucas' draft--he was involved in story
development. In late 1978, almost a year after the conferencing with
Brackett, a second set of conferences took place, this one involving
Kasdan, director Irvin Kershner and producer Gary Kurtz. Lucas
explained the plot and what he wanted from the film, while the
others offered suggestions to improve it, the mutual agreements
being that the film should be slower and more serious. Kasdan's main
contribution, according to Kershner, was in the dialog department,
giving the characters his trademark wit and subtle complexity. He returned some weeks later
with his first few pages, which Lucas and Kershner then tore apart
and made him re-write. By early 1979, Kasdan had taken Lucas' crude
draft and turned it into a compelling character drama. Kasdan was
perfectly suited to the franchise--he understood myth and
old-fashioned genre, and loved Kurosawa films, yet he also had a
knack for witty dialog and was an expert at making characters
three-dimensional beings, and he was able to jump onboard the fast
pace that Star Wars films moved at. He was just what the series
He would return in 1981. Kasdan was retiring from
screenwriting at the time, having already directed the hit Body Heat and looked forward
to moving on as a director. However, Lucas was in need of a writer
again--he had done a few drafts of Revenge of the Jedi
himself--and Kasdan was willing to help out the man who had
basically given him his career. A story conference session was held
to decide on how to improve on Lucas' drafts, and Kasdan then turned
in the final two revisions. Jedi may be a much more
weakly written film than Empire , made as a final
chore more than anything and hence not exhuberating as much passion
or personal involvement, yet Kasdan still managed to find ways of
making the characters more human and ensuring that they stayed at
the center of the movie. He also did his best to make the dialog
ring as true as possible, a difficult task when one is writing a
scene where Luke has to tell Leia she is his brother. If there is
any one person with an equal status to Lucas in the two sequels, it
is Lawrence Kasdan.
Kasdan went on to make The Big Chill, which earned
much acclaim, as well as The
Accidental Tourist, which saw him get a Best Director nomination
at the Oscars. His last film was the forgettable Dreamcatcher, but for the
most part he has been the most successful of the Star Wars writing
alumni; he returned to writing-for-hire for the first time since Return of the Jedi with Robotech, due to be released
The Directors and
Producers: Irvin Kershner and Richard Marquand, and Gary Kurtz and
Howard Kazanjian
Not to be underestimated are the script influences of
the above four people. While not to be credited on the same scale as
Kasdan, they nonetheless had a highly important role in shaping the
two sequels--in fact, Kurtz had some influence on the original film
as well (among other things, he helped orient Lucas' conception of
the Force). On Empire,
Kurtz and Kershner were both involved in the second round of story
conferences, with their main concern in making sure the film was
slower-paced and more character-oriented, giving the script a more
adult feel. Kershner specifically focused on characters; Kasdan
complains he is not quite as good a writer as he thinks he is, but
nonetheless working together a strong harmony developed that shows
through in the final film. Marquand has been written off as a puppet
director for Lucas, yet he also had his own ideas for
Jedi--it is due to his suggestions that Yoda is in the
film, since in Lucas' early drafts he simply dies offscreen;
Marquand felt that Luke's vow to return to finish his training was
set up so strongly in Empire that it should be
followed up on, so the classic Dagobah scene was written in by
Kasdan. Kazanjian's presence, on the other hand, seems to be more of
a formality, yet we cannot write him off completely, as he may have
shaped the script in subtle ways as well. Had Abaddon, urban capital
of the Empire, was likely cut out of the film due to budget reasons,
a decision the producer may have been suggesting, for
Where are these men now? Kershner was a noted
independent director in the 1970s and knew Lucas from teaching part
time at USC; after Empire, he entered the big
budget Hollywood scene and made a string of relatively unsuccessful
films, such as a James Bond sequel (Never Say Never Again) and
Robocop 2, before
retiring. Marquand was a British director, best known for Eye of the Needle, but sadly
died in 1987 and has sort of been forgotten by Star Wars fans. Kurtz
and Kazanjian both came from USC--in fact, Kazanjian would go on
double-dates with Lucas when he was first dating Marcia. Kurtz
produced some very interesting films after Empire, such as Return to Oz and Dark Crystal, which both
suffered from the same managerial problems Empire did, and ultimately
flopped at the box office. He retired after--or couldn't find work,
it’s not clear.
Attack of the
Most people seem to consider Attack of the Clones the
weakest of the six films, and with the worst script of the series as
well--ironic, since it is the only prequel that involved any
additional input in the screenplay stage. Lucas took so long writing
Episode II that by the time he had finished the handwritten rough
draft cameras would be rolling in only two months. He scrambled to
re-write a few more drafts in the miniscule time in between, but
Lucas was also the director and executive producer of the film,
which had an enormous production to oversee all the way on the other
side of the world in Australia--Lucas simply had too many other
duties, and the writing was more or less abandoned rather than
finished. This is why Jonathan Hales was brought in to polish up the
script. Hales is still a rather unknown figure in the franchise; he
was in his 60s at the time of working on Attack of the Clones, and
was known to Lucas from his stint as one of the writers of Young Indiana Jones
Chronicles in the early 1990s. Hales had begun his career in the
1970s, writing mostly British television and then a string of Agatha
Christie adaptations before finding his way to
Lucasfilm. Lucas held story conferences
with Hales for a day or two, in which he explained to him what he
wanted from the film and how to go about it. Hales then went and
polished Lucas' draft; Lucas then phoned him from Australia with
recommendations, and from Hales' second pass, Lucas re-wrote the
script yet again as shooting commenced. The screenplay was delivered
to cast and crew just days before production began--no one had seen
the script before this. Since sets were already built and the
shooting schedule devised and filming imminent, Hales must have had
little room to maneuver. He appears to have retired from the
industry, but not before he got in his last credit--sadly for the
story for 2002's Scorpion
King. In fact, that film had to have extensive additional scenes
filmed since the rough cut clocked in at under 90
Special Mention:
Marcia Lucas deserves a special category of her own. She is
perhaps one of the most important elements to the early cinema of
George Lucas, and was fundamental in keeping his films warm and
human and in keeping himself grounded in reality. An Oscar-winning
editor herself, who cut both American Graffiti, Star
Wars, and Return of the Jedi, as well as editing
Taxi Driver, New York, New York and Alice
Doesn't Live Here Anymore, she balanced out Lucas' more
technical interests by reminding him of the fundamental emotional
resonance needed for a story, and was a key check during the
screenwriting processs. Mark Hamill remembers, "She was really the
warmth and heart of those films, a good person he could talk to,
bounce ideas off of, who would tell him when he was wrong."
EDIT: A dedicated article on her is available here.
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