:F:L:I:M:S:I:P:L:A:S:T: :D:A:T:A:B:A:S:E:

team negative1 : Reel Reviews

Explanation : 'Reel Reviews' document the information and features found in 35mm movie prints. team negative1 focuses on the 'Star Wars' films.

Reel Reviews Video: 0001 thru 0006

Star Wars : 1983 : LPP : R1 thru R6 : Dolby Stereo : Spanish

[Open Data Spreadsheet] : Return to Main Reel Review Page : Features Overview

Change Playback Speed : Full Speed : Half Speed : Quarter Speed : Eighth Speed : Sixteenth Speed

Currently Playing : Shots 0000-0099
File Name : FD_TN1_ReelReview_2019-ver0005_0000-0099_H264_RF23_960x540.mp4

Note: Playback will not be instantaneous, please be patient. There is no audio.

links to change video
Shots Reel # Description
0000-0099 Reel 1 Start of movie thru Vader choking Rebel
0100-0199 Reel 1 Vader choking Rebel thru Jawa fires charge at R2D2
0200-0299 Reel 1 R2-D2 stunned thru R5-D4 heads towards Luke
0300-0399 Reel 1-2 R2-D2 shakes in frustration thru Luke talks to Owen
0400-0499 Reel 2 Owen talks to Luke thru Luke recognized Ben
0500-0599 Reel 2 Ben talks to Luke thru Death Star Conference Room
0600-0699 Reel 2-3 Grand Moff Tarkin thru Ben talks to Chewbacca in the Cantina
0700-0799 Reel 3 Luke and 3po enter the Cantina thru Han pulls out gun slowly
0800-0899 Reel 3 Greedo threatens Han thru Death Star control panel buttons
0900-0999 Reel 3-4 Death Star gunner thru Luke "Why are we still moving towards it?!"
1000-1099 Reel 4 Han, tractor beam pulling us in thru Officers come towards heroes
1100-1199 Reel 4 Chewie throws trooper thru Han shoots
1200-1299 Reel 4-5 Leia, "Plan for getting out?!" thru C-3po picks up comlink
1300-1399 Reel 5 C-3po, "Come on." thru Leia, "They're coming through!"
1400-1499 Reel 5 Luke looks up thru Lightsabers clash
1500-1599 Reel 5 Lightsabers clash thru Tie Fighter shoots at Falcon
1600-1699 Reel 5 Han shoots at Tie Fighters thru Inside Rebel Hanger
1700-1799 Reel 5-6 Heroes get off transport thru Spaceships take off
1800-1899 Reel 6 Luke takes off thru X-Wing gets hit
1900-1999 Reel 6 X-Wing blows up thru Computer animation of Death Star approach
2000-2099 Reel 6 Rebel spaceship pilot thru Turrets shoot at X-Wings
2100-2199 Reel 6 Biggs looks around thru Darth Vader's ship spins off into space
2200-2281 Reel 6 Darth Vader spins around thru end of the Credits
Contact : pl1x@earthlink.net
  • Updates
  • 2020.03.28 : Progress - Beta Upload Test
  • 2020.03.20 : Progress - Video Re-encodes H264_RF23
  • 2020.03.07 : Progress - Removed zoom display, video full size
  • 2020.02.29 : Progress - Added link to Data Spreadsheet
  • 2020.02.24 : Progress - Added Currently Playing script
  • 2020.02.23 : Progress - Revised table characteristics & Added speed controls
  • 2020.01.15 : Progress - Added Media change scripting
  • 2020.01.01 : Start